Identification and Management of Gummy Stem Blight in Cucurbits

BY ROB TRAWICK, JACKSON COUNTY HORTICULTURE AGENT With the unusually warm winter we experienced this year coupled with what was a warm and wet spring for most of us, there have been a lot of diseases showing up in numbers larger than what we are normally accustomed to...

Scouting Northwest Florida Tomatoes

Identification of pests affecting crops is the first part of designing an Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.  Scouting is an important part of any IPM program.  Once you identify problem pests, management decisions can be made such as changing cultural...

Washington County Farmers Waiting For The Next Rain

Generally, soil conditions are very dry in Washington County. High winds early in the week of April 23, 2012, greatly stressed vine crops (melons). Pastures are critically short of moisture and need rain, as do most fields undergoing land preparation. Several fields...