by Isaac Esquivel | May 26, 2023
We are now a few weeks into the cotton and peanut season, with some farmers having already planted their crops. Others are currently in the process of planting, and some are yet to begin behind small grains. While recent rain has caused setbacks for a few, it has also...
by bobhoch | May 26, 2023
Bob Hochmuth, Regional Specialized Extension Agent- Vegetable Crops – published May 22, 2023 Welcome to the 2023 growing season, weekly issue of the UF/IFAS Extension Suwannee Valley Watermelon Crop Update. These updates are summarized by Bob Hochmuth, Regional...
by external | May 5, 2023
Mark Abney, UGA Peanut Entomologist – Published April 26, 2023 Peanut planting time has arrived and that means thrips season is here as well. Many of the decisions a peanut grower makes at planting will affect the risk of thrips infestation and the risk of...
by Xavier Martini | Apr 28, 2023
Xavier Martini, Assistant Professor of Entomology, North Florida Research and Education Center, Derrick Conover,PhD Student and biological Scientist, Department of Entomology, North Florida Research and Education Center, and Danielle Williams,UF/IFAS Multi-County...