by Ethan Carter | Dec 15, 2023
On January 30th, Santa Rosa County Extension will be hosting its annual Row Crop Production meeting. Due to scheduled construction at the Jay Office location, the event will be held at the UF/IFAS West Florida Research and Education Center (WFREC), 4253 Experiment...
by Isaac Esquivel | Nov 17, 2023
Given that the UF/IFAS Extension theme for the Sunbelt Ag Expo and the North Florida Fair exhibits were pollinators, I want to talk about pollinators in agronomic crops. Are they beneficial to your crops? Are crops beneficial to pollinators? Pollination by insects is...
by Danielle S. Williams | Sep 29, 2023
Proper plant disease and insect identification is essential in agriculture production. A prime example that we have seen in North Florida citrus is the presence of “friendly fungi”, an entomopathogenic fungi that attacks citrus whitefly and cloudywinged...
by Mark Mauldin | Sep 22, 2023
We’ve made it to Fall and pleasant surprise, it actually feels fall-like outside (at least by Florida standards). As you would expect, with us moving into Fall we are seeing the peanut growing season really starting to wind down. Unfortunately, the hand...
by Isaac Esquivel | May 26, 2023
We are now a few weeks into the cotton and peanut season, with some farmers having already planted their crops. Others are currently in the process of planting, and some are yet to begin behind small grains. While recent rain has caused setbacks for a few, it has also...