Clarifying Fluopyram Nematicide Products Available for Corn

Clarifying Fluopyram Nematicide Products Available for Corn

Nematicide application is one of the main methods for managing plant-parasitic nematodes in Florida corn. Fluopyram is a relatively new nematicide chemistry available for corn and other row crops. Currently, multiple products containing fluopyram are labelled for use...
Time to Think About Pond Weeds

Time to Think About Pond Weeds

With warming weather comes weed problems, and the field is not the only place they can pop up. Farm ponds, whether used for irrigation, livestock, or just recreation, can often grow numerous pesky weeds that impact the use of these water bodies. A few lily pads might...
2022 Watermelon Update #1 – March 7

2022 Watermelon Update #1 – March 7

Bob Hochmuth with input from Suwannee Valley Extension Agents: Mark Warren (Levy), Tyler Pittman (Gilchrist), Tatiana Sanchez (Alachua), Luke Harlow (Union), Jay Capasso (Columbia), Dan Fenneman (Madison), Keith Wynn (Hamilton), Danielle Sprague (Jefferson), Emily...
The Pollinating Power of Bumble Bees

The Pollinating Power of Bumble Bees

  There are five social species of bumble bees (Bombus spp.) native to Florida, and each is an important pollinator throughout the state. European honeybees provide about 85 percent of our pollinating activity that is vital for supplying one-quarter to one-third...