Tropical Soda Apple – Not Just a Pasture Weed

Every fall, about the time deer hunters begin hanging their tree stands for bow season I get calls wanting to know what this wicked weed is that is growing in the woods.  Many of our North Florida cattlemen are well familiar with Tropical Soda Apple (TSA) in pastures,...
Conditions are Favorable for Bacterial Spot in Fall Tomatoes

Conditions are Favorable for Bacterial Spot in Fall Tomatoes

High temperatures and wet weather produce the perfect conditions for the onset of bacterial spot in tomato fields. The disease is caused by various species of Xanthomonas bacteria. Small spots (1/8 inch) form on leaves, stems, and fruit. The leaf spots are sometimes...
Weather Played a Major Role on Peanut Yields in 2015

Weather Played a Major Role on Peanut Yields in 2015

Peanut harvest is in full swing in the Florida Panhandle, but producers have had challenges to crop success in the form of disease and erratic weather this year. White mold has been particularly troublesome this season.  On August 24th we dug and rated our University...

Late Season Cotton Insect Control

stinkbug damage – Ronald Smith, Auburn University, Bugwood.orgCotton is maturing rapidly across the Panhandle and it’s shaping up to be one of the earliest harvest seasons in recent years. This is due for the most part to the dry weather and the high number of...