Weed Alert: Lanceleaf Rattlebox

Recently an unusual weed has been spotted in pastures across Santa Rosa County.  After research on the specific genus and species the weed has been identified as Crotalaria lanceolata (Lanceleaf Rattlebox).  There are dozens of Crotalaria species in Florida.  Most are...

Identification and Control of Cogongrass

Rob Trawick, Jackson County Horticulture Agent Cogongrass (imperata cylindrical), initially, was accidently introduced near Grand Bay, AL  in approximately 1911. Seed in packing materials from Japan made its way into the environment. Purposeful expansion followed...

Florida Peanut Disease Update September 2012

By: Nicholas S. Dufault, Extension Plant Pathologist, University of Florida This year rainfall returned to most of Florida’s peanut production areas through afternoon showers and tropical systems Debra and Isaac. The increase in moisture created a high disease...

Hay Producers Need to Scout For Horsenettles

  Some of Walton County’s perennial peanut producers are experiencing an outbreak of Horsenettles (Solanum carolinense).  This pasture weed is also known as love-apple or wild tomato in panhandle Florida, and is toxic to humans and livestock.  It is often...


On July 16, I was called to a peanut field in Santa Rosa County. There I met with producer Steven Godwin, and CPS agronomist Greg Esco, to examine an unknown cluster of aphids found in the field they were scouting for lesser cornstalk borer. The scientific jury is...