USDA Confirms Screwworms in the Florida Keys

USDA Confirms Screwworms in the Florida Keys

Screwworms were eradicated from the Southeast back in 1959.  This week USDA’s Animal Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) confirmed the presence of New World Screwworms Cochliomyia hominivorax in three deer in the Florida Keys.  At this point, APHIS believes...
Conditions are Favorable for Bacterial Spot in Fall Tomatoes

Conditions are Favorable for Bacterial Spot in Fall Tomatoes

High temperatures and wet weather produce the perfect conditions for the onset of bacterial spot in tomato fields. The disease is caused by various species of Xanthomonas bacteria. Small spots (1/8 inch) form on leaves, stems, and fruit. The leaf spots are sometimes...
Soybean Rust found in Jackson County Sentinel Plot

Soybean Rust found in Jackson County Sentinel Plot

Soybean rust (SBR) has been found on the sentinel plot in Jackson County at the Extension Office.  Because these plots are scouted for SBR on a regular basis, the SBR was confirmed very early.  SBR has now been confirmed in Florida, Louisiana, Mississippi and Texas in...
Bermudagrass Stem Maggot Population Building in the Panhandle

Bermudagrass Stem Maggot Population Building in the Panhandle

Bermudagrass hay farmers need to scout their fields for Bermudagrass Stem Maggots.  I just discovered a big infestation here at the North Florida Research Center (NFREC) which is first one in two years in North Florida that we are aware of.  Also, Liza Garcia has been...