June 2024 Weather Summary and 3-Month Outlook

June 2024 Weather Summary and 3-Month Outlook

Rainfall June 2024 was a mixed month for Panhandle rainfall, with high summer temperatures across the region.  The map above to the left shows an estimate of total rainfall across Florida in June 2024.  Areas in tan had 2-4″,  yellow 4-6″. light green...
May 2024 Weather Summary and Summer Outlook

May 2024 Weather Summary and Summer Outlook

Rainfall May in the Panhandle is typically a transition month from spring to summer with increasing temperatures and limited frontal rainfall.  May 2024 was not typical in the Panhandle, with higher than average rainfall and temperatures across the region.  The map on...
April 2024 Weather Summary and Summer Outlook

April 2024 Weather Summary and Summer Outlook

Rainfall April was another drier than average month for the Western Panhandle Counties, but was really wet east of the Apalachicola River.  This has been an ongoing trend from last year, where rainfall is very uneven in the Panhandle  The map to the left above, shows...
2023 Weather Summary and 1st Quarter 2024 Outlook

2023 Weather Summary and 1st Quarter 2024 Outlook

Rainfall That calendar has turned from 2023 to 2024, so it is time to summarize the weather year.  Early in 2023, there was optimism for a good growing season, but for much of the Panhandle it was not a good year because of the excessive heat and lower than average...
November 2023 Weather Summary & Winter Outlook

November 2023 Weather Summary & Winter Outlook

Rainfall November was another dry month for the Central Time Zone counties in the Panhandle, but the Big Bend counties had more normal rainfall for the month.  The map to the left above shows NOAA’s estimated rainfall totals for November.  Taylor County was the...