Friday Feature:  Destructive Wildfires in the Plains

Friday Feature: Destructive Wildfires in the Plains

On Monday March 6, unique weather conditions including a passing cold front, high winds, and low humidity fueled raging wildfires from Texas to Colorado that burned over 1 million acres.  In the wake of these extremely fast moving fires, thousands of cattle and seven...
February Weather Summary and Spring Outlook

February Weather Summary and Spring Outlook

February was considerably drier than January across much of the Panhandle.  There were a few areas that received over 5″ (red), while large portions had 4-5″ (light brown), or 3-4″ (tan).  The eastern portion of the Panhandle received the lowest...
January Weather Summary and Spring Outlook

January Weather Summary and Spring Outlook

Compared to December, January was pretty mild up until Sunday January 22, 2017, which was a scary, and really stormy day with high winds, tornado warnings and heavy rains as a cold front rumbled across the Panhandle.  The unusually warm temperatures fueled a storm...
Tools for Assessing Soil Moisture

Tools for Assessing Soil Moisture

The exceptionally dry fall, followed by above average rainfall in December surprised many and it has been problematic for those trying to plant and manage winter cover or forage crops. Many might be wondering if their soils have enough moisture reserve to support a...

December Weather Summary and January Outlook

December brought quite a change from the previous months of drought.  The National Weather Service estimates for rainfall ranged from isolated locations with over 15″ (purple), large regions with over 10″ (hot pink), to less than 4″ along the coast...

Weed Control During Drought

Herbicide failures are common during extended dry periods. This is frustrating for the pesticide applicator due to wasted time and chemicals.  There are logical reasons why certain herbicides fail during droughts. There are two main reasons why herbicides fail in...