June Panhandle Weather Summary

June Panhandle Weather Summary

June 2016 was fairly typical for the Florida Panhandle with much warmer temperatures and scattered afternoon thunderstorms with highly variable rainfall.  In the graphic above you can see the hot pink areas that received more than 10″ and dark red regions that...

May and T.S. Colin Weather Summary and Summer Outlook

May Rainfall May was a more typical rainfall month for the Panhandle with El Niño disappearing.  In the graphic above you can see that only small portions of northern Escambia and Santa Rosa Counties received more than 8″ for the month, while the areas in green...
April 2016 Weather Summary and 3 Month Outlook

April 2016 Weather Summary and 3 Month Outlook

April was a wetter than average month in most locations across the Panhandle, but nothing like the April rains of 2014 and 15.  There were a few pockets in hot pink that had over 10″ of rainfall for the month while portions of Gulf and Franklin received less...

1st Quarter 2016 Weather Summary and Planting Season Outlook

Just when it seemed El Niño had lost it’s grip, the deluges started again at the end of March.  Many farmers were planting watermelons and corn, or preparing land for cotton and peanuts in mid-March, but heavy rains at the end of the month and in early April...
February Weather Summary and Spring Forecast

February Weather Summary and Spring Forecast

February 2016 The National Weather Service estimated that rainfall ranged from  10″ to as little as 2″ in February across the Florida Panhandle.  The dark red portions of the map received between 8-10″ and the light tan and yellow areas only...