January through July Marianna FAWN Station Weather Summary

Through the first seven months of 2012, Marianna is right at 60 year historic average of 34.2 inches.  Certainly the rainfall and more moderate temperatures have been welcome relief for farmers, when compared to the last two years, but it has just been an average year...

Washington County: Crop Conditions Good

Summer rains are coming on a regular basis and with sufficient quantity. Corn, cotton, soybeans and peanuts are all looking very good, better than they have in the past three years. Pressure from Army Worms is still a problem in fertilized hay fields. Scouting is...

Wakulla County Pastures and Hayfields O.K., but…

Rains in Wakulla County and the remainder of the Big Bend region have been generally sufficient to support hay production and pasture growth.  Since Tropical Storm Debby, Wakulla County has received consistant rain with scattered showers in the area. Some area hay...

Jackson County Weather Summary

June rains brought some welcome drought relief to the area. The area is still 35 inches below average over the past three years,however, Jackson County actually had an inch  more rain than the 60 year average, through the first half of 2012.  Compared to the previous...

Washington County Update

The ample rains last week made a big difference towards improving the overall crop condition. Pasture conditions continue to improve with the availability of additional moisture. Field work is active and back on schedule for late June. Growers are taking advantage of...