1st Quarter NFREC Marianna Weather Summary

For the first time since November 2010, the FAWN Station recorded above historic average rainfall in both February and March of 2012.   To review daily summaries of high, low, and average air and soil temperatures, as well as rainfall and evapotranspiration for  this...

Washington County Update

    Above normal temperatures and no rain is drying out topsoil at a rapid pace. Over 80 percent of Washington County corn is planted and up. Some watermelons have runners 24 to 30 inches long. Lack of soil moisture is stopping field preparation for planting cotton...

Drought Forecast Suggests Early Peanut Planting this Year

Certainly the rain that fell late this winter has helped replenish the ground water and has refilled ponds that have been dry or nearly dry for some time.  For the first time in months, the Florida Panhandle has moved out of the severe drought category on the drought...

Cold La Niña Surprises Meteorologists and Growers

Clyde Fraisse Assistant Professor University of Florida Agricultural and Biological Engineering cfraisse@ufl.edu According to the NOAA National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), December 2010 was the 3rd coldest winter on record in the Southeast U.S. and the coldest on...