by Judy Biss | Jan 25, 2014
During these icy, north Florida winters, you’re probably not thinking much about what needs to be done in your pond! Aquatic plants have become mostly dormant, fish feeding has slowed down, and irrigation needs are usually reduced as well. If you’ve had aquatic weed...
by Judy Biss | Jun 28, 2013
North Florida’s cool fall and winter seem a distant memory. Warm temperatures and longer days have kicked pond productivity into “high gear.” Biological activity in and around your pond is in full swing this time of year and there are some “warm weather” management...
by Judy Biss | Dec 20, 2012
North Florida’s hot humid summer seems a distant memory for now. The cool temperatures, falling leaves, and shorter days are a welcome relief. Since activity in and around your pond may be reduced this time of year, there are a few “cool weather” conditions you...