Drought Continues in Jackson County

The chart above is a monthly weather summary from the UF/IFAS FAWN weather station located at the North Florida Research and Education Center. May 2012 was hot and dry, and added to the precipitation deficits of the past three years. The rain shortfall since January...

January-April UF IFAS FAWN Marianna Weather Station Summary

For a full report of daily high and low temperatures and rainfall, download the Jan-Apr 2012 Jackson Co Weather Summary.  In addition to daily weither summaries, there are monthly rainfall comparisons for the past 60 years recorded at the NFREC Weather...

1st Quarter NFREC Marianna Weather Summary

For the first time since November 2010, the FAWN Station recorded above historic average rainfall in both February and March of 2012.   To review daily summaries of high, low, and average air and soil temperatures, as well as rainfall and evapotranspiration for  this...