Washington County Update – Wet Fields!

There is a growing anxiety about the corn harvest with its high moisture content and lack of available storage. Field conditions are wet making it hard for equipment to cross fields. Cotton fields need to dry out or disease pressure will rise. Diseases such as white...

Floodwater Mosquitoes, a Special Brand of Misery

Jed Dillard Jefferson County Extension Livestock and Natural Resources Agent Whining hordes of mosquitoes have made life miserable for the warm blooded among us since tropical storm Debby soaked North Florida. You’re likely thinking, “These are not my mama’s...

Washington County: Crop Conditions Good

Summer rains are coming on a regular basis and with sufficient quantity. Corn, cotton, soybeans and peanuts are all looking very good, better than they have in the past three years. Pressure from Army Worms is still a problem in fertilized hay fields. Scouting is...

Groundpearls in Tifton 9 Bahiagrass Pasture

I recently visited  a farm that was experiencing significant stand loss in an 80 acre field of Tifton 9 Bahiagrass.  Upon closer examination the culprit was determined to be ground pearls, as seen in the photo at left.  This was the first time that this Extension...

Thrips Active In Walton County

Thrips are already a problem with the vegetable acreage and the cotton crop in Walton County.  Even with seed inoculated before planting or in-furrow insecticide applications, plants are still at risk.  The preventative treatments are taken up by the plant as it...