
Plan now for weed management in row crops to prevent Palmer pigweed infestations like this one!

Now is the time of year growers should plan their weed control programs.  Palmer pigweed management requires using the right herbicides in a timely manner. Below are the UF/IFAS recommended Palmer pigweed management programs for cotton and peanuts.

If you would like more information about weed control, contact your local UF/IFAS Extension Agriculture Agent or see the fact sheet called Control of Palmer Amaranth in Agronomic Crops.

Cotton Herbicide Programs

Cotton Type Preplant/PPI* At Planting Early Postemergence Layby
Roundup Ready Valor or Reflex (Preplant) Prowl + Staple or Direx Glyphosate + Dual Magnum
(if seedlings have not emerged)
Direx + MSMA
Banvel/Clarity or Direx(Preplant) Cotoran or Reflex + Prowl Glyphosate + Staple + Dual Magnum
(Dual should be applied 5 days or more before or after the glyphosate + Staple.)
Valor † + MSMA
Treflan or Prowl PPI Cotoran or Reflex + Staple Glyphosate + Dual Magnum
(if seedlings have not emerged.)
Valor + MSMA
Liberty Link Valor or Reflex(Preplant) Prowl + Staple or Direx Liberty 280 +Dual Magnum
(Liberty will control emerged seedlings)
Direx + MSMA
Banvel/Clarity or Direx (Preplant) Cotoran + Prowl Liberty 280 +Dual Magnum
(Liberty will control emerged seedlings)
Valor + MSMA
Treflan or Prowl PPI Cotoran + Staple Liberty 280 +Dual Magnum
(Liberty will control emerged seedlings.)
Valor + MSMA
*Preplant incorporated.†In the interest of resistance management, if Valor or Reflex is applied near planting, it is not recommended to use Valor at layby. Likewise, Direx should not be used on the same acre twice in the same growing season.

Peanut Herbicide Programs

Peanut Incorporated Preemergence Early Postemergence Layby
Any cultivar Prowl or Sonalan Valor Paraquat + Dual Magnum ± Basagran Cobra + crop oil
or Cadre + 2,4-DB
Valor + Prowl Paraquat + Dual Magnum ± Basagran Cobra + crop oil
or Cadre + 2,4-DB
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