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The National Association of Extension 4-H Agents has awarded the 4-H agents in the Northwest Extension District of Florida their national award for Excellence in 4-H Volunteerism.  This award is given to the agent or group of agents who show(s) an unequaled dedication to providing quality volunteer development programs. In our district, each county provides local volunteer training and development, but we also work as a district to bring you opportunities like our district-wide volunteer leader forum at 4-H Camp Timpoochee and district-wide shooting sports volunteer trainings in each discipline each year.

While the agents are to be congratulated for working hard and receiving this award, many thanks go to our wonderful volunteers throughout the district who support 4-H programming in Florida.  Every club leader, project leader, camp volunteer, fair judge, and so on, is in part responsible for the success of Florida 4-H.  We are so grateful for your unwavering dedication to 4-H Youth Development.  Furthermore, we invite you to continue to help us “Make the Best Better” through our Make a Difference Monday’s volunteer training series.  The series will begin August 19, 2013 and will run the third Monday of every month through April 2014.  Your local extension office will be able to provide you with further details including topics for each session in the series. 


Whitney Cherry
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