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Did you know that you do not have to own an animal to participate in 4-H Day at the North Florida Fair? Many youth look forward to competing in judging contests. The North Florida fair provides opportunities for youth to compete in agriculture judging, horticulture judging, and consumer judging. In addition to the judging contests, youth can also participate in North Florida’s only Junk Drawer Robotics Contest, where teams design and build a simple robot out of everyday objects.

Just like any other competitive event, preparation is key. Here are some resources to help you prepare for your event:

  1. Agriculture Judging Rules and Guide
  2. Horticulture Judging Rules and Guide
  3. Consumer Choices Rules
    1. Fitness Apps
    2. Buying a SMART Phone– Oral Reasons Class
    3. Skin Cleanser/Acne Products
    4. After-school Snacks
  4. Junk Drawer Robotics Rules– to prepare, review the 4-H Junk Drawer Robotics Project Guide

Some general tips include:

  • Make sure your registration is turned in on-time.
  • Work with your club leader to coordinate car pools to and from the event. Counties further away may also need to arrange overnight accommodations (this needs to be done well in advance, as Tallahassee hotels fill up on home game weekends).
  • Dress neatly.  Wear a 4-H polo or club t-shirt if you have one. Some youth simply wear a white button down shirt with a 4-H patch sewn on. Wear denim, khaki, or dark colored pants, and be sure to layer your clothing. During this time of year, weather is unpredictable- mornings and evenings are cool, but mid-day can be quite warm. Wear closed toed shoes. Tennis shoes or boots are good choices; avoid flip flops or sandals.
  • Bring a clipboard and 2-3 sharpened #2 pencils (mechanical pencils are even better).
  • Work with your club leader or 4-H agent to purchase discount ride tickets. Armbands for unlimited rides can be purchased in advance for $15.00/person (this is a good savings).
  • Bring extra money for food and beverages, or plan to pack a sack lunch.
  • Visit the North Florida Fair’s website for show times- there are many shows that are free of charge and fun for the entire family.
  • Make sure that you have a buddy at all times. Do not go anywhere without your buddy. Your 4-H Leader or Chaperone will want you to check in with them throughout the day. Decide in advance where, when, and how often you will meet.
  • Don’t forget to attend the awards ceremony at 2PM!
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