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A mission statement is an organization’s goals and the method(s) to achieve those goals. An organization’s vision statement is where that organization sees their position in society in the future.  These two statements may be written separately or combined into one statement.  Regardless, they actually refer to two separate facets of the organization and both are equally important.  In this post, we’ll define both the 4-H Mission Statement and the 4-H Vision Statement and then share some ways how you can support 4-H in your local communities.


A picture containing an adult helping a youth

Photo By National 4-H Council

National 4-H states its mission as “to provide meaningful opportunities for all youth and adults to work together to create sustainable community change.” 4-H uses caring adults to engage youth in educational activities through a learn-by-doing approach to provide positive youth development programming in order to introduce and strengthen essential life skills needed to be productive responsible citizens.  This powerful mission has been achieved by 4-H across the globe by the employment of highly esteemed experts in the field of positive youth development trained in the application of successful volunteer management and program implementation.  National 4-H sets forth to achieve their stated mission by employing these staff and volunteers to concentrate on three specific areas of focus, i.e. civic engagement and leadership, healthy living, and science.

National 4‑H commits its future success to serving millions more youth through the Cooperative Extension Service.  In fact, National 4-H specifically states 10 million youth to be served by the year 2025.  This vision is to be carried out by participating in the hands-on, learn-by-doing approach youth programming that 4-H has been successfully known for for over 100 years.


Florida 4-H Youth Development Program uses a learn-by-doing approach to help youth learn essential life skills in order to be successful leaders of tomorrow.  This mission is accomplished by utilizing the expertise and resources of the University of Florida (UF) and Florida A&M (FAMU) Cooperative Extension Services, the state land-grant universities of Florida, to recruit and train caring adults into quality volunteers that can create safe and inclusive learning environments for youth.

Florida 4-H’s vision states that it will support the National 4-H mission to create positive change in youth, families, and communities.  Although Florida 4-H does not specifically set a number of youth to be served by a specific time frame in its vision statement, it does set a goal in the future to be the leading youth program in the nation.


A picture containing a child working on a robot

Photo By National 4-H Council

Mission and vision statements, in general, help to guide organizations through a structured plan to reach important short term and long-term goals, make great impacts, and be efficient in operations.  They also hold the organization accountable to its stakeholders, clientele, supporters, etc.  Without written mission and vision statements, organizations may not reach their full potential.

With 4-H, the mission and vision statements ensure that our organization remains true to the foundation on which it was built, to make the best better when it comes to positively and consistently impacting youth to be leaders of tomorrow.  According to the 4-H Study of Positive Youth Development conducted by Tufts University young people in 4-H, “the structured out-of-school time learning, leadership experiences, and adult mentoring that young people receive through their participation in 4-H plays a vital role in helping them achieve success.” Research supports 4-H youth are more likely to:

  • Attend college.
  • Contribute to their communities.
  • Participate in STEM programs.
  • Make healthier choices.


As a parent, volunteer, and/or community member, below are five ways that you can get involved to support the 4-H mission and vision in your local community with little effort.  You will feel good knowing that you gave a helping hand to make the best better!

  1. Get Involved as a 4-H Volunteer if you aren’t already (If you are, kudos to you!)
  2. Encourage other positive adult role models to get involved with their local 4-H.  Set a goal to recruit this # of adults to volunteer in 2021-2022.
  3. Support your local 4-H through monetary contributions or in-kind donations. They are always in need of supplies to implement their hands-on programs.
  4. Share your 4-H experiences and successful impacts with your local community as often as you can so others are exposed to the wonderful world of 4-H.  Speaking at your local civic clubs, church functions and other community events really helps 4-H reach as many youth and families as possible.
  5. As a 4-H parent or volunteer, set a goal to help recruit at least five new 4-H youth members in the 2021-2022 4-H Year for your local club or program to help 4-H achieve its vision of 10 million true leaders by 2025!
A picture containing 4-H youth and volunteers helping clean up their community.

Photo By National 4-H Council

Currently, through more than 3,500 professionals, 4-H impacts more than 6 million youth and families and 500,000 youth and adult volunteers, thereby being one of the largest youth development programs in the nation still today.  With the delivery method of experiential learning, youth are engaged mentally, physically, and socially, fostering the development of essential life skills towards the role of true leadership.

To learn more about joining 4-H as a member or volunteer, please contact your local UF IFAS County Extension Office, or visit