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Recycled Art Ideas

I have the privilege of writing about our last class in the 4-H Division-CLASS 18: Recycled Arts for North Florida Fair. For this class you will create an original piece using recycled or natural products. The art can be 2-dimensional, 3-dimensional. At least half of the final piece should be from recycled (something that is used differently than its original purpose like: plastics, aluminum cans newspapers, cardboard, etc) or a natural environmental material, such as pinecones, dried flowers, leaves, or sticks. All materials used must be clean, sanitary, and safe.

Youth working on art projects

Learning by doing

So, if you use something that previously contained food it must be washed. If the item is from the environment remove excess dirt from the natural materials. Finally, all sharp edges on the artwork should be removed or covered for safety.

Preparing your Entry Form & Exhibitor’s Tag

You will need to have their entry forms to your 4-H Office by the 1st of October.  directions how to complete NFF Entry Form

When you turn in your entry form, your 4-H agent will assign exhibit tags, which you will need to fill out and attach to your plant when it is time to submit for judging. Here is the information you need to correctly complete your entry tag:


  • Section – 210
  • Class- 18
  • Lot- This will be your age division; write “A” for juniors (8-10 years old), “B” for intermediates (11-13 years old), or “C” for seniors (14-18 years old).
  • Exhibit- a short description of the item you are entering (example: recycled pop bottle to piggy bank)
  • Exhibitor- Your name
  • Address- Name of your county

You can have up to 6 recycled art entries for the North Florida Fair. Youth will need to attach a label with a description of recycled material to their exhibit. The fantastic thing about this class is everyone can be creative, and this is a relatively inexpensive hobby that helps the environment by lowering the amount of items going into landfills. Take some time relax and be creative to create your recycled art fair exhibits.


You can download the judges’ scoring rubric for more information on how recycled art entries are judged.  These entries are evaluated on:


  1. 50% made from recycled or natural materials.
  2. Description identifying recycled materials attached to item.
  3. Item is a two- or three-dimensional piece of art from previously used materials.
  4. The completed art piece is different from its original use.

Designs and Creativity

  1. Workmanship/technique/materials – overall composition was planned filling space adequately.
  2. Neatness/appearance – care was taken in the creation of the item.
  3. Appropriate combination or use of materials.
  4. Recycled items are clean, sanitary, and safe.
  5. Creativity – item is unique or original.
  6. Creative use of color, pattern, or material.

 After judging, a ribbon will be attached to your plant, and the ribbon color will be recorded for the fair office so they can issue you your premium money. 4-H Day at the Fair (November 16) is a great time to check to see what placings your exhibits earned!

Take a little time today to relax and create your own recycled art project for the fair. If you have questions, reach out to your local UF IFAS Extension Office.


North Florida Fair 4-H Club Department 210 Rules

4-H Entry Form (for non-animal exhibits such as Recycled Arts)

Class 18 Recycled Arts

4-H Mall Visual and Creative Arts Curriculum


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