by bestevez | Oct 9, 2020

4-H judging teams are a wonderful way to help youth learn life skills such as decision making, teamwork and public speaking. These events are also a way for youth to demonstrate mastery of subject matter skills. Florida 4-H offers a wide variety of judging contest opportunities. Because there are so many contests, it can be a little overwhelming for 4-H volunteers, however, there are simple strategies you can learn to teach any type of judging contest. While the subject matter changes from contest to contest, how you prepare young people to learn the material and compete is the SAME! One you master these simple strategies, you can coach any type of judging team. Join us Thursday, October 15th at 6PM central/7PM eastern to learn how to incorporate judging teams into your club program. Brian Estevez and Aly Schortinghouse, 4-H agents in Escambia County, will present the program as part of our Virtual Volunteer Leadership Academy Series. For more information, or to register, visit
Also, check out some of our previous blog posts about the impact of our judging programs…
by bestevez | Sep 20, 2019

A youth competing in the NW District Tailgating Competition carefully prepares her protein.
Did you get to do any grilling this summer? Over 110 youth from throughout the Florida Panhandle participated in 2019 4-H summer day camps that taught them how to grill, food and fire safety, and cooking skills.
Ten different FL Panhandle counties provided nine unique day camps on grilling. Then, on July 20, 2019, 37 youth from eight counties participated in the Northwest District Tailgating Contest at the Washington County Ag Center. Youth participated in competitions in beef, pork, poultry, and shrimp divisions and were judged on their food and fire safety skills around the grill and the taste of their chosen protein. In all, $3,200 was awarded to Panhandle youth for placing 1st– 4th in their competitions.
Now, the top two youth in each protein category will compete at the Florida 4-H Tailgating Contest in Gainesville on September 28th. They will compete against youth from across Florida for an opportunity to win college scholarships. For the state contest, the first place winner in each protein area receives a $1,500 college scholarship and the second place winner receives a $1,000 college scholarship. September 28th is also the 4-H Day with the Florida Gators. You can get tickets for the football game for just $20 and sit with 4-H members from around the state. For more information, visit
Join us as we cheer on the following NW District 4-H participants as they represent us at the Florida 4-H State Tailgating Contest:
- Beef Division
- Colton Serpas-Washington County
- Alan B.-Escambia County
- Pork Division
- Lillian Sparks-Washington County
- Brent Young-Holmes County
- Poultry Division
- Sarah Crandall-Jefferson County
- Rylee Sweat-Walton County
- Jamison Scheffer-Washington County
- Shrimp Division
- Claire Diamond-Escambia County
- Evelyn Moyers-Bay County
If you are interested in furthering your grilling skills, please check out the Florida 4-H Tailgate Series of EDIS documents at If you would like more information on the Tailgating Contest so you or youth that you work with can participate next year, please visit
by bestevez | May 29, 2019

A 2018 NW District 4-H Tailgating Contest participant prepares to grill
Imagine the smell of a charcoal grill on a breezy summer day. A neighbor is grilling in their backyard, and you wish you were invited over for dinner. Would it be even better if it was your child or grandchild doing the grilling for you?
Fire up Your Grill!
4-H members have been firing up their charcoal grills and participating in the Florida 4-H Tailgating Contest since 2016. Designed to promote the use of animal protein in the diet, youth learn the art and science of safely preparing beef, pork, poultry, and seafood in an outdoor setting providing opportunities for 4-H youth to develop life skills, including decision making and healthy lifestyle choices.
In the Florida 4-H Tailgating Contest, youth grill two, 6-8 ounce portions of one of the following proteins:
- beef
- pork
- poultry – turkey breast or half chicken
- shrimp – fresh, headless and de-veined
While youth are grilling, judges observe food and fire safety actions and ask questions about the recipe and safety knowledge. A team of judges evaluates the cooked product by taste testing and scoring each entry.
4-H Tailgating District Contest
After youth compete at county contests or participate in day camps, they can register for the district contest. There are four district contests hosted throughout the state including our Northwest District contest held at the Washington County Ag Center on July 20, 2019. Cash prizes at the district level are awarded in each protein category – 1st place $400, 2nd place $250, 3rd place $100 and 4th place $50.

Scholarships and prizes are awarded thanks to these sponsors.
4-H Tailgating State Contest
The top two winners from each protein are then eligible to compete in the state contest held at the University of Florida on September 28, 2019. For the state contest, the 1st place winner in each protein area receives a $1,500 college scholarship and the 2nd place winner receives a $1,000 college scholarship.
Since the Florida 4-H Tailgating contest began in 2016, over $63,000 in scholarship money has been awarded to Florida 4-H members made possible by sponsorships from Winn-Dixie, National Beef, and Sonny’s.
Learn More at a Tailgating Day Camp
Last summer, over 100 youth attended day camps to learn about identifying cuts of meat, preventing food cross contamination and food-borne illnesses, grilling techniques, food safety and fire safety. Contact your local UF/IFAS Extension office to find a grilling day camp near you so you can participate in the 2019 Northwest District 4-H Tailgating Contest! Follow us on Facebook to see event details!
by bestevez | Nov 30, 2018

Every organization has its own culture, and 4-H is no exception. Here are the ones that make 4-H unique!
What is 4-H?
4-H is the youth development outreach program of Land Grant Universities, the Cooperative Extension system, county government, and the United States Department of Agriculture.
4-H members are actively involved in educational projects that are fun but also instill life skills while working with caring adult leaders. 4-H projects use quality curriculum incorporating the most current research and knowledge available through the Land Grant University system.
-H Pledge
The 4-H Pledge states what we want youth to achieve as a result of their involvement in the 4-H Youth Development program. It reminds members of the four areas of growth 4-H targets and reinforces the importance of mastery of life skills.
4-H Colors
The 4-H colors are green and white. White symbolizes purity and high ideals. Green, nature’s most prominent color, represents growth.
Motto: “To Make The Best Better”
The motto’s intent is to inspire young people to continue to learn and grow and to make their best efforts better through participating in educational experiences.
Slogan: “Learning By Doing”
This sums up the educational philosophy of the 4-H program. Young people learn best when they are involved in learning. The intent is for youth to become engaged in learning by doing, reflecting on their experiences, and applying it to future situations.
4-H Name and Emblem
The 4-H Youth Development Program is represented by a popular, recognizable image that consists of a green four-leaf clover with a right turned stem and the letter “H” in white on each leaflet.
The text, 18 U.S.C. 707, appears with the emblem.The name and emblem are held in trust by the Secretary of the USDA and are protected by Title 18 of the United States Code, Section 707 (18 U.S.C. 707). This means it is afforded the same status and regard as the White House and Presidential Seals and may only be used as authorized by the statute, regulations and guidelines, and according to the authorization of the Secretary or designated representative.
I hope you enjoyed learning more about the culture of 4-H. Use of the 4-H name, motto, slogan and emblem signifies youth, adult leaders and 4-H Agents agree to the principles of youth development promoted through 4-H. To find about more about 4-H in your county, click here.
Want to learn more?
by bestevez | Jan 11, 2018

Florida 4-H members judge beef rounds at the UF/IFAS Animal Science Department meat science clinic. Photo Credit: Brian Estevez, UF IFAS Escambia County
Florida 4-H provides learning opportunities, camps, contests, shows and events in a multitude of areas for its members. The 4-H meat science project allows youth to learn about the different cuts of meat including quality factors that affect the safety and taste of the meat products we consume. The project culminates each year in April at the Florida 4-H Meat Judging Contest. The 2018 contest is April 21, 2018 at the Meat Processing Center at the University of Florida. The UF/IFAS Department of Animal Sciences also hosts a Livestock/Meat Judging Clinic on January 12-13 in Gainesville to prepare 4-H and FFA members for the contest.
What is 4-H Meat Judging?
Many Florida 4-H members are already in the production of meat products through exhibiting market steers, swine, sheep, and goats at livestock competitions. Through participation in judging contests and other leadership contests, agents, leaders, and youth learn valid, science-based information to consider when evaluating and making decisions, as well as learning proper meat storage and handling procedures. This knowledge and expertise to purchase safe, nutritious meat products gives future agricultural and food industry leaders a broader view of the livestock industry.
The 4-H Meat Judging Contest is composed of three areas, retail cut identification, carcass, wholesale, and retail placing classes, and oral reasons. 4-H members have to identify 50 retail cuts, including the species, primal, retail name, and cooking method. Youth then have to rank eight placing classes (carcass, wholesale, and retail classes). Finally youth have to give two sets of reasons on the placing classes that they have ranked.
This project area helps youth improve life skills, such as decision making, communications skills and confidence, but it also provides them a very practical skill they can use every time they visit the grocery store or butcher shop. Youth learn how to examine a cut of meat to determine which will be of the highest quality and flavor. Whether they cook for themselves or others, this useful skill will be perfected over time.
Another exciting aspect of the Florida 4-H Meat Judging Contest is the opportunity to attend National 4-H Meat Judging Contests. The first place senior team earns a trip to Kansas State University to participate in the National 4-H Meat Judging Contest as part of the American Royal Livestock Show in Kansas City. The second place senior team earns a trip to Denver to participate in the National Western Roundup Meat Judging Contest as part of the Western National Livestock Show.
In addition to the meat judging contest, Florida 4-H offers the Hog and Ham program and the Florida 4-H Tailgate Contest:
The Florida 4-H Hog and Ham Program is a statewide 4-H program which takes the participant through the total process of pork production from beginning to end. Youth select a feeder pig and grow it to harvesting weight, all the while keeping records on feed amounts and costs, health care, expenses, weights, etc. Youth harvest the hog and process it into wholesale or retail cuts. The project concludes by participating in a retail comparison project, completing a record book, and presenting a demonstration or illustrated talk to the other participants.
The Florida 4-H Tailgate Contest was created to further enhance the 4-H meat project by allowing youth to demonstrate their food and fire safety, meat selection, and outdoor cooking skills. Youth grill one of four proteins: beef, pork, poultry (half chicken or whole turkey breast), or shrimp. Youth are judged on their food and fire safety and meat palatability. Four regional contests throughout Florida are held between April and July, with a state contest held in the fall. Over $18,000 in scholarships were provided for winners in 2017.
The Florida 4-H meat judging contest is a fun event that can enhance your knowledge of the agricultural and food industries. The Florida 4-H Meat Judging Contest, in conjunction with the Florida 4-H Hog and Ham Program and the Florida 4-H Tailgate Contest, provides a well-rounded animal science education to all Florida 4-H members!
For more information about getting started (either as a youth member or as a volunteer), contact your local UF IFAS County Extension Office.