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Making a Difference: Gary Clark

Gary Clark, Sure Shots 4-H Club Leader

Gary Clark, Sure Shots 4-H Club Leader

In Washington County, the name Gary Clark is synonymous with the 4-H Shooting Sports program. Gary decided to start a club because he wanted to do something that would benefit the next generation of hunters, conservationists, and shooting sports enthusiasts. When asked what he most enjoys about being a 4-H volunteer, he replied “It is a way to give back to a community that has always supported me.’

Gary takes his role as a mentor and role model very seriously. “There are young people watching and listening to your every word, not so much for guidance and inspiration, but to see if you are walking the talk.  Working with young people today is not so much about passing along knowledge and teaching life skills as it is about making investments in their lives. Showing the same care and concern for every youth you are working with, no matter what skill level or potential, is critical to that young person viewing themselves as successful.” Relationships with caring adult volunteers is one of the Essential Elements of Positive Youth Development that 4-H is built upon.

I believe that we all have not only an opportunity, but an obligation to help to make our communities a better place to live. I think back on the people who gave their time and resources to coach and mentor me when I was young and I am thankful for the generosity. No amount of time spent investing in the lives our youth is ever wasted!

Seeing kids succeed is what keeps Gary motivated to continue his volunteer service. “Our teams have been extremely successful, but most of that success is measured on the personal level.  When you see a student achieve a new personal best or overcome an obstacle that has held them back and you see that little light go off inside their brains, you can’t help but be inspired and so proud of their achievements.” Gary also finds motivation when his 4-H Alumni return to the program as volunteers. “Two former students are also now certified coaches in the program and help out on a regular basis. Seth Pemberton is one of those youth. Seth shares, “Gary has positively impacted my life through 4-H shooting sports by making me strive for excellence, work hard, and give my best.”

Gary shares what inspires him most about being a volunteer is working with youth who would otherwise not have the opportunity to be part of a team. “Unlike so many other sports, shooting is a pretty level playing field- it isn’t only for the most athletic, the smartest, the most popular or the kid that can afford the best equipment. Every member comes into the program with an equal opportunity for success. It is all based on their commitment, focus, and [goals they set for themselves].”

Gary is very modest about his impact his club has on youth, but Julie Dillard, the Washington County Extension Director says, “Gary’s dedication to his community and his 4-H’ers is inspiring and has been the key to the success of Sure Shots 4-H Club.  He encourages, praises, corrects and motivates each individual to be his or her best.”

When asked what he feels youth get out of the 4-H Shooting Sports program, he says “They learn about respect for others, commitment, teamwork, goal setting, cooperation and even how to handle disappointment [sportsmanship]. All of these traits come from being part of a program like 4-H. I do not know of any other organization that offers so many different ways for youth to be involved in their community in a structured, safe and nurturing environment that is built on the values and principles that we all hold so dear. I also believe that these skills will follow them throughout their adult lives as well.” Gary’s experience with 4-H is backed by research. The Tufts Study of Positive Youth Development found that compared to other youth, 4-H members are:

  • Four times more likely to contribute to their communities
  • Two times more likely to be civically active
  • Two times more likely to participate in science, engineering, and technology programs during out of school time; and
  • Two times more likely to make healthier choices.

Would you consider making the investment of a lifetime by becoming a 4-H volunteer? 4-H offers a variety of volunteer roles based on your interests and schedule. To find out more about being a volunteer, contact your local Extension Office or visit

Three Tips for Positive Discipline when Dealing with Difficult Behavior

Chances are, if you have ever volunteered with a youth program, you have run into some children who have challenged you with their behavior.   Earlier this month, Dr. Kate Fogarty and Sarah Hensley shared some insight and tips for disciplining children in a positive and productive way. The word discipline often has a negative connotation, but the origin of the word is “disciple” which means pupil, student, or apprentice. As a volunteer leader, your role is that of a guide- guiding youth towards acceptable behavior. Discipline, or guidance, is a corrective process to teach youth how to solve their problems rather than punishing them for problems they cannot solve.

Here are three tips to remember when working with youth:

  1. 1. Say “Do” as an alternative to “Don’t.” Examples include:
  • “Please use an inside voice during our club meeting. During recreation we will be outside and you can be loud then” instead of “Stop yelling!”
  • “Can you tell me what is going on, taking turns?” instead of “Stop fighting!”
  • “If you run through the woods, you could get hurt or miss seeing something really interesting” instead of “Don’t run through the woods!”

2 . Use encouragement rather than praise. Encouragement is specific and avoids comparison or competition between youth whereas praise is often vague and can foster competition. Research shows that praise can often lower self-esteem or reduce youth’s motivation for participation in an activity. Here are some examples:

Praise Encouragement
I like your photo Tell me about your photo…
I like the way Jennifer is cleaning up I appreciate how Jennifer helped put the art supplies away after the meeting.  It really made my job as a leader easier.
You did a great job on your demonstration How do you feel about your demonstration?
You clearly deserved a blue ribbon How do you think your record book measured up with the judging standard?
You have what it takes to be a great leader I have seen so much growth in your leadership skills, especially your ability to make good decisions and solving problems.


  1. Set limits and consequences– we set limits to prevent injury to self or others and/or prevent property damage. Limits should be firm, but not strict and should be set with confidence and consistency. The key is following through with the consequences and explaining to the youth how their actions affect others. Examples:
    • “If you continue to interrupt our guest speaker, you will have to find a different activity. The other members cannot hear and they want to learn about what horses eat.”
    • “If you can’t remember to aim your arrow at the target, you will have to sit out for the next round of shooting. We do not want anyone to get hurt.”
    • “If you cannot share, you will lose your turn because everyone wants a chance to play this game just as much as you do.”

Ultimately, the support 4-H volunteers provide youth to develop comes from a sense of safety, belonging, mastery, independence and generosity. There is a UF/IFAS Extension publication from our 4-H Volunteer Training Series on positive discipline for youth It provides explanations for youth misbehavior (or mistaken behavior) and non-verbal as well as verbal strategies for handling those common issues that come our way working in the field of youth development.  To learn more about managing difficult behavior in a positive way, you can view the full, 1-hour workshop online at

Super Saturday Seminar for Cloverbud Volunteers

dsc03699w[1]Cloverbuds are 4-H members between the ages of 5 and 7 and are curious, energetic and fun!   Start off the new year by learning how to work with cloverbud age youth in your club.  A Super Saturday Seminar will be held for any 4-H volunteer interested in learning how to teach cloverbuds on January 24th, 2015, from 10AM-3PM at Chipola College in Marianna. The training will cover a variety of topics, and each volunteer will leave with ready-to-use kits. Choose two sessions to attend:

  • Beach Buddies- a series of educational activities that can be done before, during and after a visit to the beach to learn science and conservation.
  • Exploring Science- using popular children’s books, science experiments, and creative and recreational activities to introduce cloverbuds to scientific concepts.
  • Budding Gardeners- learn how to cultivate a love of gardening and agriculture.
  • Poultry and Rabbits- learn about breeds, animal nutrition, and safety.
  • Visual Arts- learn how arts and crafts are similar yet different while exploring the science of visual arts.


CEUs are available for teachers. For more information, or to register, visit

Farm Credit Supports 4-H Agriculture Projects

hereford show calfTo support agriculture education programs and help rural America grow, Farm Credit of Northwest Florida has designed the Youth Agricultural Loan Program specifically to help active 4-H and FFA members to get a running start with their agriculture-related projects and future success.  Members of these programs not only learn skills like growing crops or raising animals, but also build character traits that prepare them for a future in any career. Youth learn to set goals, plan ahead and commit themselves to completing a project they started. Farm Credit of Northwest Florida seeks to enhance the opportunities offered by 4-H and FFA by teaching their members financial well-being and further preparing them to be successful future leaders in our community.

Loans will be offered for up to $2,500, will not exceed 18 months, are contingent on a purchase of cooperative stock up to $50 (two percent) of loan amount and will need to be co-signed by a parent or guardian. There are no fees involved with this program. Find more information and the application on our Young, Beginning, Small and Minority Farmers web page: Loan officers are available to come to your club meeting to talk about opportunities to fund youth agriculture projects. Work with your local 4-H Agent to schedule a speaker for your club.

Three Simple Ideas for Teaching Your Child Gratitude

Gratitude Activities for KidsGratitude is a tricky concept to teach children. It is essential for our happiness, but easily overlooked in the hustle and bustle of our busy everyday lives. With Thanksgiving approaching, it is a great opportunity to do an activity with your kids to help reinforce the concept of gratitude. Here are three simple ideas that you may want to incorporate into your Thanksgiving festivities (or anytime of year):

Thankfulness Tablecloth– purchase an inexpensive plain tablecloth (a muslin painter’s drop cloth is an inexpensive option). Ask family members to write what they are thankful for with a permanent marker onto the tablecloth. You can assign each family member a different color, or use a different color each year. If your children are not reading age, ask them to draw a picture of what they are thankful for. Add to the tablecloth each year.

What Would It Feel Like Without Game…Ask each member of the family to think of something they are thankful for and then ask them to describe what it would feel like if they didn’t have what they are thankful for. For example, I am thankful for a car that works and it would be hard to take my kids to school, soccer practice, and 4-H club meetings if I didn’t have a car that runs.

Gratitude Time Capsule- Ask each member of the family to write or draw something they are grateful for. Have them date and sign the slip of paper, then place the slips of paper in a mason jar. Have the kids help dig a hole in the yard to bury the jar. Do this each year and then dig up the previous year’s jar to see what has changed.

We hope you will consider adding one of these activities to your Thanksgiving traditions. Gratitude leads to Generosity, which is one of the Essential Elements youth need in order to grow up to be confident, capable citizens. Fostering a sense of generosity is just one way the 4-H volunteers and parents help youth. This time of year, 4-H Agents are especially thankful for the incredible 4-H volunteers who are making a real difference in hundreds of thousands of youths’ lives all across our state. 4-H volunteers are the core of the Florida 4-H Program and we THANK YOU for your service!  For more information about 4-H, or becoming a volunteer, contact your local UF IFAS County Extension Office or visit