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From Brushstrokes to Life Skills: The Spark of Art

From Brushstrokes to Life Skills: The Spark of Art

Art has always been a medium of expression. It allows emotions, ideas, and stories to be shared visually, bridging gaps where words sometimes fall short. For the young minds of today’s world, art offers a plethora of benefits that extend far beyond the canvas or sculpture stand. Art is not just about creating beautiful pieces; it’s a potent tool that fosters communication, sharpens cognitive skills, and broadens horizons.

Improving Focus and Creativity Through Art

Art is a unique medium that demands both concentration and imagination. As youth experiment with colors, shapes, and techniques, they cultivate a creative mindset. The process of creating a finished art piece takes time, allowing youth to learn how to stay motivated through a long-term project. Whether creating or analyzing art, sustained attention to detail is required which helps youth to enhance focus. This interplay between deep concentration and imaginative exploration through art not only hones specific artistic skills but also fosters a broader capacity for creative thinking in various life scenarios.

Photo 1: Activities such as blind contour requires intense observation. This process trains youth to focus deeply and observe minute details, strengthening their attention span and observational skills.

Enhancing Communication Skills and Critical Thinking

Engaging with art serves as a dual exercise in communication and analysis for youth.  Although art gives youth a medium to express nuanced emotions and ideas visually, often conveying what words might struggle to capture, it can also increase their communication skills by increasing their visual literacy. Teaching the fundamentals such as the elements of art and principles of design gives youth the vocabulary needed to dissect art verbally. During this process, young people grapple with interpretations and the underlying intentions of artists, honing their critical thinking. In today’s visually charged world, recognizing these art elements helps youth decode and discern underlying intentions, making them more informed consumers of the visual content they receive in the form of ads and social media.

Photo 2: At this art exhibit, young artists not only display their creations but practice their communication skills.

Promoting Appreciation of Differences

Art introduces youth to a world that spans cultures and eras. Through engaging with various artists and forms of art, they gain insights into different values, beliefs, and narratives. The subjectivity of art teaches them that multiple valid perspectives can coexist, each shaped by individual experiences. As young artists create, they learn to value their unique voices and respect others’ individuality. Learning these skills helps to prepare youth to navigate the world with understanding and empathy.

Photo of artist surrounded by art students with a large canvas in the middle.

Photo 3: Art underscores the significance of individual expression and the beauty of varied perspectives.

How to Start an Art Program

Starting an art program for youth begins with the basics. Introducing them to the elements of art—such as line, shape, and color—and intertwining these with the principles of design, like balance and contrast, sets a strong foundation for understanding and creating diverse art forms. With these foundational skills in place, activities like group art critiques and art exhibits become both educational and enriching. For example, activities such as art journaling, reinforce newfound skills and perspectives, allowing a dynamic, hands-on exploration of the world of art that can be done in a workshop, club, or camp setting, but also at home. The National 4-H curriculum website offers many curriculum resources, alongside galleries and museums. Aside from being great for field trips, many local galleries offer youth year-round youth activities.

Fostering Art Skills through Florida 4-H

In 4-H, recognition of our youth members is an important step in creating a sense of belonging and developing positive self-esteem. A dedicated art program can provide youth with the opportunity to share their knowledge and be recognized for mastery gained in art through various Florida 4-H events. Below are some of these events:

  • Share the Fun in our County/District Showcase and 4-H University.
  • Florida 4-H Graphic Design and Photography Contests
  • Florida 4-H Holiday Card Contest
  • The Insect Art Contest (Insectathon)



Incorporating art into the lives of young people provides multifaceted benefits. From enhancing communication and critical thinking to fostering a deep appreciation for the vast spectrum of human experiences. Moreover, starting an art program in your county not only equips youth with technical competencies, but also instills values of empathy, understanding, and open-mindedness. As our society grows more interconnected, cultivating these qualities becomes an invaluable investment in our youth’s future.

We would like to thank BLICK Art Materials and the Artists League of the Big Bend for generously supporting the art program in Leon County 4-H. For more information about upcoming art workshops with Leon County 4-H, visit the UF IFAS Extension Leon County 4-H Facebook page or contact the Leon County 4-H Team at


National Gallery of Art:

National 4-H Curriculum for Visual and Creative Arts:


Outdoor Adventures: Considerations for Introducing Youth to the World of Hunting

Hunting, when approached responsibly, can be a rewarding and educational experience for young individuals. As a 4-H agent dedicated to fostering a love for the outdoors, I recognize the importance of instilling a strong foundation of ethics and safety when introducing youth to the world of hunting. To ensure a positive and educational introduction to this amazing tradition, several key considerations should be considered.

  1. Safety Training and Ethical Hunting Practices:

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) offers comprehensive safety resources, emphasizing the importance of proper firearm handling, wildlife identification, and safe hunting practices. Educating young hunters about the critical role of safety protocols ensures a secure and enjoyable experience in the field.  There are a variety of hunter safety courses available.  Visit the Which Hunter Safety Course Is Right For You? | FWC ( webpage to find out what course to see what may work best for your family.  If you have completed an online course and have a certificate, you can participate in the upcoming Field Day on November 18, 2023 at West Pittman Baptist Church in Holmes County.  Visit the Hunter Safety Registration ( webpage to register or find other courses in your area on a different date.

  1. First Shot Fundamentals:

Holmes County 4-H has been awarded several grants from the The National Rifle Association (NRA) Foundation. Our Holmes County 4-H Shooting Sports Program includes archery, rifle, and shotgun disciplines.  Youth members learn “first shot fundamentals” that will translate to important life skills as they may choose to ultimately participate in hunting opportunities.  Emphasizing the values of fair chase, respect for wildlife, and the importance of humane and responsible harvesting helps instill a deep appreciation for the natural world and ecosystem.

  1. Conservation Education:

Collaborating with 4-H programs that incorporate conservation education can help young hunters understand the vital role they play in wildlife conservation and habitat preservation. Teaching the principles of sustainable hunting and the importance of maintaining ecological balance contributes to the development of environmentally conscious and responsible hunters.  This also includes ongoing education and research related to Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) in Holmes County and the surrounding region to learn what we, as hunters, can do to help.

  1. Mentorship Programs:

The Florida Fish & Wildlife Conservation Commission often organizes mentorship programs that pair experienced hunters with newcomers. These programs, align with 4-H’s emphasis on positive youth development and foster a supportive learning environment. Mentors follow the guidance outlined in mentorship materials to provide hands-on training, impart valuable skills, and promote the development of strong ethical values in young hunters.  Visit the Mentored Hunts Registration ( webpage to find upcoming opportunities across the state of Florida.

  1. Legal Compliance and Regulations:

The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission (FWC) provides up-to-date information on hunting regulations, licensing requirements, and seasonal restrictions. Educating youth about these regulations instills a sense of responsibility and legal compliance, contributing to the cultivation of law-abiding and conscientious hunters.

By integrating these considerations into the process of introducing youth to hunting, we can ensure that they develop not only a passion for the sport, but also a respect for wildlife and the natural world. Together, we can foster the next generation of responsible and ethical hunters who prioritize safety, conservation, and ethical hunting practices in their outdoor adventures.  For more information about how your youth can get involved with Holmes County 4-H, visit the Holmes County 4-H ( webpage.


Miah, daughter of the Holmes 4-H Agent, enjoys the opportunity to harvest her first deer at age 6.

Holmes County 4-H Agent, Chris Lauen, introduces his children to a Holmes County whitetail buck.

Engaging Youth in Agriculture through Field Excursions

Agriculture plays an important role in our society, yet a noticeable gap in understanding and engaging with this sector is evident among youth. Often, this disconnect stems from misconceptions about agriculture and the vast career opportunities it offers. Addressing these challenges requires long-term educational efforts that provide youth with hands-on experiences in the form of field excursions to increase interest and participation in Agriscience topics. The Ag Adventures program, an annual venture between UF/IFAS North Florida Research and Education Center (NFREC) and Florida 4-H, was created in response to this need. It aims to immerse students in the diverse and rich world of agriculture through experiential learning.

A group of children wearing casual clothing and sneakers are gathered under an orange canopy tent, attentively listening to an instructor speaking. The tent is set up amidst tall, dried cornstalks that stretch into the background, suggesting an agricultural learning environment.

Ag Adventures connects youth from urban and rural areas to a large-scale farming research center, offering a firsthand look at agriscience topics in action.

Program Overview

For years, Ag Adventures has been actively engaging 4th and 5th graders from counties across the Panhandle. This program introduces students to several key subfields in agriculture, with an emphasis on sustainability:

  • Soil Science: Students learn about the critical role of soil in natural ecosystems and agriculture. Hands-on experiences, such as exploring a soil pit, help youth gain a deeper understanding of soil science topics.
  • Agricultural Technology: Students explore the latest innovations in precision agriculture, including drones and sensor technology, and their role in promoting sustainability and economic growth.
  • Entomology: Focusing on the vital role of pollinators, students learn about the impact of insects on the ecosystem and our food supply. Field activities, like insect collecting, offer practical understanding of the importance of these animals and the need to protect them.
  • Agronomy: By learning about crops such as corn, cotton, and peanuts, students gain insights into the economic and historical significance of agriculture in North Florida. Through this section, researchers and agents are able to showcases the diversity and complexity of plant science in a tangible way.
A group of children in yellow shirts gather around a soil pit, engaged in an educational activity. An instructor stands in the background, overseeing the experience. The foreground shows a close-up of the textured soil and straw, highlighting the hands-on aspect of the learning environment.

Students explore a soil pit, uncovering the hidden wonders of soil science and gaining hands-on insight into soil formation in our region.

Benefits of Field Excursions

Engagement in programs like Ag Adventures offers a multitude of benefits, equipping students with valuable insights and experiences that go beyond the traditional classroom. Such field excursions are important for:

  1. Strengthening STEM Appreciation: By contextualizing STEM concepts within the framework of agriculture, Ag Adventures bridges the gap between classroom learning and its practical applications. This approach not only enriches students’ understanding of STEM but can also spark their curiosity about agriscience.
  2. Facilitating Career Exploration: Ag Adventures provides a platform for youth to explore various careers in STEM. Through interactive experiences and exposure to academic pathways, the program demystifies agriculture, making it more accessible and relatable. This engagement broadens their career horizons and helps them envision a future where they can apply their learning in diverse ways.
  3. Bridging the Urban-Rural Divide: Ag Adventures offers youth from all backgrounds a chance to experience large-scale farming firsthand. By connecting youth directly with the source of their food, the program fosters a deeper appreciation for agricultural contributions and the interdependence between urban and rural communities.
A photo of a lab setup showing four potted plants on a table. In the foreground, a thermal imaging camera is mounted on a tripod, its screen facing the camera. The real plants are in focus in the background, while the thermal image shows them in bright contrasting colors, indicating temperature variations across the plants and pots.

Ag Adventures enables young learners to engage with faculty members and discover cutting-edge agricultural research. For example, NFREC researchers demonstrate the use of thermal imaging technology to detect drought stress in crops, showcasing practical applications of science in farming.


The Ag Adventures program enhances the educational experience of 4th and 5th graders by merging classroom learning with real-world agricultural practices. This initiative by UF/IFAS Extension deepens their appreciation for STEM, opens new avenues for career exploration, and introduces them to the unique aspects of rural life and agriculture. We hope students develop a more comprehensive understanding of the world, laying the foundation for them to become informed and engaged members of society.

This program occurs annually in the fall. If you are interested in your school participating, please contact your local UF/IFAS Extension office.


Behrendt, M., & Franklin, T. (2014). A review of research on school field trips and their value in education. International Journal of Environmental and Science Education, 9(3), 235-245.

Jean-Philippe, S., Richards, J., Gwinn, K., & Beyl, C. (2017). Urban youth perceptions of agriculture. Journal of Youth Development, 12(3).


Upcoming Ag Judging Opportunities for Fall 2023

Now that the weather finally cooling down, it is fair season in the Florida panhandle! Fairs aren’t just about rides and food but also about participating in showing livestock, entering exhibits, and competing in judging contests. There are so many opportunities at fairs for 4-H youth to participate in and gain knowledge from. Agricultural judging contests are great for youth who are interested in learning about agriculture. There is a statewide virtual agricultural judging contest and an agricultural judging contest at the North Florida Fair.

This year we will be hosting the 4th Annual Florida 4-H Virtual Ag Judging Contest. It will take place on October 26th at 6:00 pm EST on Zoom and it is free! There will be training before the contest to allow 4-H youth an opportunity to learn about each topic before participating in the contest. The training will be held on October 24th at 6:00 pm EST on Zoom. This contest is great for 4-H youth to learn how to judge bulls, dairy cows, poultry, goats, swine, hay, grain, peanuts, and tomatoes. There will also be questions on tool identification, weed identification, and soil samples. To participate in this contest youth must be 4-H age 8-18 and will need to register in 4-H Online. If you have any questions about this event, please email Evie Hunter ( or Chris Decubellis ( We had so much fun creating this contest virtually and are super excited for youth all over the state to participate! This is our 4th year doing this contest and we are happy to see it grow!

The North Florida Fair Ag Judging Contest will take place on November 11th at the fairgrounds in Tallahassee, Florida. This contest will cover judging steers, heifers, eggs, hay, and grains. This contest is for youth 4-H ages 8-18 who are interested in learning how to judge agriculture. To participate in this contest youth must register in 4-H Online and contact your 4-H Agent to sign up. If you have any questions about this event, please email Robbie Jones or Evie Hunter (

Both contests are great for youth to learn about how to judge each topic. It is very important to know how to tell if you are feeding your animals good hay and grains to make sure your animals stay healthy. It is also important to learn about the structure and what to look for in each livestock animal. Both contests are fun to participate in and learn about the importance of ag judging. I look forward to seeing both contests grow, and more youth learn about the importance of agriculture.

For livestock judging study materials, check out these links:

Livestock Judging Guide (Kansas)

Livestock Judging Explore Guide (Texas)

Livestock Judging EDIS Factsheet (Florida)

Or, check out our video on judging contest basics!

Fall Fair Toolbox

Because of our mild weather in Florida, nearly every season is fair season!  County, regional, and state fairs occur throughout the fall, winter, and spring in our sunshine state. However, most county and regional fairs in the panhandle are in the fall. Fairs are an important component of the project experience. They provide opportunities for youth to demonstrate their project knowledge and skills. Livestock shows, judging contests, and exhibits are three ways youth are encouraged to develop communication and problem-solving skills associated with their project. To help our families prepare for the fair season, we have curated several resources:

Livestock Shows- if you are new to livestock shows, you may feel a little overwhelmed. This article has some very helpful tips on making sure you are prepared- whether you are showing a large animal (such as a steer) or a small animal (such as a rabbit). The article also includes a downloadable packing list, as well as a list of supplies you may want to have on hand for a “show box.” A show box is a container where you store all of your show supplies.

Judging Contests– Juding contests help youth develop critical thinking skills. Fairs typically offer a variety of judging contests- from agriculture, livestock, poultry, horticulture, and even consumer choices. If you want to learn the basics of judging contests, check out this article and video. If you are interested in agriculture or livestock judging, check out this article for a list of free, downloadable resources and local judigng opportunities.  

Exhibits– Fairs are a great way to show off what you have done throughout the 4-H year. From individual project exhibits to club booth exhibits, there is something for everyone. Check out our family guide to fair exhibits to know which types of exhibits are right for you! If you plan to submit exhibits to the North Florida Fair in Tallahassee, be sure to read this article which is a step-by-step guide to prepare your exhibits for that blue ribbon premium!

4-H Days at the Fair– most fairs offer a special day just for 4-H families. On this day, entrance into the fair is usually free for 4-Hers and features several judging contests and events to support 4-H project work. 4-H Day at the North Florida Fair is November 12th. Check out this article with tips and information you need to know before you go to 4-H day.

For more information about fairs in your area, or to help youth in your county make the most of thier local fair, contact your local UF IFAS County Extension Office. 

Tractor Supply Clover Campaign

It is amazing how far a dollar can go- especially these days!  Now through October 15, you can purchase a paper clover (or several) to help support your local program. Your donation will make a huge difference in the lives of local youth. In Florida, Tractor Supply Clover funds help send youth to camp and leadership events like 4-H Teen Retreat, 4-H Executive Board, iLead, 4-H University, 4-H Day at the Capitol, and 4-H Legislature.  Don’t have a local Tractor Supply in your county? Don’t worry- a portion of all funds collected are distributed to counties that do not have a store so that everyone benefits!

Since 2010, Tractor Supply has partnered with 4‑H to raise more than $14 million through the Paper Clover campaign. The success of these campaigns has impacted over 81,500 youth by providing them with the tools and resources they need to develop leadership skills to reach their full potential. For twelve days each April and October, Tractor Supply customers can purchase a paper clover to help local 4-H programs. One hundred percent of funds raised through the bi-annual Paper Clover campaign directly benefit 4‑H youth, with most funds benefiting local programs.  For more information about 4-H, contact your local UF IFAS Extension office, or visit our website at

Dates for the 2023 Fall Paper Clover Campaigns: Fall: October 4-15, 2023