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4-H Spotlight: Mark Harvey

Mark Harvey, Friend of 4-H

Mark Harvey is the manager of the North Florida Fair located at our capital city of Tallahassee. For the last thirteen years, Mark has worked diligently to promote both UF/IFAS Extension and 4-H Positive Youth Development. Mark took over as manager of the North Florida Fair after a successful 25 year career with the Tallahassee Police Department. He is husband to wife Suzanne, and they have raised four children. As manager of the North Florida Fair, he has systematically made positive changes to the fair to develop new partnerships to increase both funding and attract new audiences to the fair. One of his strategies has been to highlight the opportunities and strengths of the 4-H Positive Youth Development Program. With his background in law enforcement, he has long-been an advocate of positive youth development and understands why programs like 4-H have such high public value.

Mark’s commitment to 4-H goes far beyond the typical support of providing premiums to members and clubs for participation in exhibits and contests. In order to facilitate better exposure for the 4-H program and the UF/IFAS County Extension offices though continued expansion of still exhibits in two buildings at the fair as well as during the annual 4-H day where 4-H youth demonstrate their life skills though four different project competition areas. Mark has encouraged the 4-H Extension Faculty of the Northwest District to take advantage of the North Florida Fair as an opportunity to market 4-H and educate the public in the Tallahassee area about the value of our program. Each year, he provides up to $1,000.00 for building improvements, educational displays, new signage, and marketing materials. These funds have helped the agents develop interactive displays on the Butterfly WINGS program and 4-H gardening projects. This past year, Mark invested his own personal funds to secure the engineering exhibits from the Mary Brogan Museum. These interactive exhibits help youth and families explore basic engineering concepts such as levers, pulleys, torque, and gravity. They have drastically increased traffic into the 4-H building and pair especially well with 4-H engineering projects such as robotics. In fact, with Mark’s support, the North Florida Fair was the first regional fair to incorporate a junk drawer robotics competition during 4-H Day at the fair. To encourage participation, Mark allowed faculty to bring youth to the fair to experience the engineering exhibits and participate in a mock contest.

What I appreciate most about Mark is his accessibility and his willingness to entertain new ideas and methods. He never automatically says “no,” but considers carefully how to use our resources at the fair to educate, inspire, and make a difference in the lives of those who attend. Mark Harvey is definitely a friend to the 4-H program, and one of our biggest advocates who is helping to Make A Difference through the Florida 4-H Program.

Do you know of a 4-H volunteer or advocate that deserves the spotlight? Send your nominations to Heather Kent at

Preparing for 4-H Day at the North Florida Fair

Did you know that you do not have to own an animal to participate in 4-H Day at the North Florida Fair? Many youth look forward to competing in judging contests. The North Florida fair provides opportunities for youth to compete in agriculture judging, horticulture judging, and consumer judging. In addition to the judging contests, youth can also participate in North Florida’s only Junk Drawer Robotics Contest, where teams design and build a simple robot out of everyday objects.

Just like any other competitive event, preparation is key. Here are some resources to help you prepare for your event:

  1. Agriculture Judging Rules and Guide
  2. Horticulture Judging Rules and Guide
  3. Consumer Choices Rules
    1. Fitness Apps
    2. Buying a SMART Phone– Oral Reasons Class
    3. Skin Cleanser/Acne Products
    4. After-school Snacks
  4. Junk Drawer Robotics Rules– to prepare, review the 4-H Junk Drawer Robotics Project Guide

Some general tips include:

  • Make sure your registration is turned in on-time.
  • Work with your club leader to coordinate car pools to and from the event. Counties further away may also need to arrange overnight accommodations (this needs to be done well in advance, as Tallahassee hotels fill up on home game weekends).
  • Dress neatly.  Wear a 4-H polo or club t-shirt if you have one. Some youth simply wear a white button down shirt with a 4-H patch sewn on. Wear denim, khaki, or dark colored pants, and be sure to layer your clothing. During this time of year, weather is unpredictable- mornings and evenings are cool, but mid-day can be quite warm. Wear closed toed shoes. Tennis shoes or boots are good choices; avoid flip flops or sandals.
  • Bring a clipboard and 2-3 sharpened #2 pencils (mechanical pencils are even better).
  • Work with your club leader or 4-H agent to purchase discount ride tickets. Armbands for unlimited rides can be purchased in advance for $15.00/person (this is a good savings).
  • Bring extra money for food and beverages, or plan to pack a sack lunch.
  • Visit the North Florida Fair’s website for show times- there are many shows that are free of charge and fun for the entire family.
  • Make sure that you have a buddy at all times. Do not go anywhere without your buddy. Your 4-H Leader or Chaperone will want you to check in with them throughout the day. Decide in advance where, when, and how often you will meet.
  • Don’t forget to attend the awards ceremony at 2PM!

Tips for the Busy 4-H Volunteer

4-H Club Meeting4-H Volunteers are busy people. Most volunteers volunteer for other organizations outside of 4-H and they are active in their communities. Many volunteers also have children or grandchildren that they care for. Leading a 4-H club should be a fun and rewarding experience. Earlier this month, during our Make a Difference Monday Volunteer Leader Series, Julie Dillard shared some great tips to help club leaders stay organized, and most importantly, save time and enjoy being a 4-H Volunteer!

Create a Sense of Belonging– one of the basic things that will help your club is to make sure everyone feels welcome and that they belong. This task is an easy one to delegate to a club parent or even your club officers.

  • Names – know and use the names of your 4-H’ers. Use name tags if needed until you get to know all of their names
  • Designate a member of parent each month to welcome 4-H’ers as they arrive
  • Ask a 4-Her or officer to plan an icebreaker each month
  • Create opportunities for 4-H’ers to work together on simple projects such as a team club demonstration or committee work
  • Keep meetings fun! Look for some really creative ideas to make meetings fun (and less work for you) next week…

Utilize the Club Leader Notebook- Meet with your 4-H agent to pick up your club leader notebook. This notebook has been designed to make it easy for club leaders to keep track of meeting information, club dues, and other club and county events. In your notebook, you will find:

  • Club summary worksheet– This basically answers who, when and what. The top box is a record of what kind of event or activity whether it’s a club meeting, an educational workshop or some other event like an end of the year party or a field trip. At every 4-H event, both youth and adults should sign in. The notes section is a handy way to jot down reminders.
  • Monies Received Form– Using a monies received form allows you to see quickly who has given you money and what it is for and also allows it to be quickly entered in our accounting software. This creates a paper trail, which makes handling funds much easier and also protects the club and club leader.
  • Check Request Form– This form is for purchases that are planned ahead of time to a specific place of business or a person. It’s also for those times when you didn’t have time to go to the 4-H Office to pick up a check, so you picked it up and paid for it yourself. Just use this form and attached a copy of your receipt.
  • Fundraising Permission Form– This purpose of this form is not only to inform the club about a fundraiser, but also to identify the purpose of the funds. Funds should have a planned purpose to benefit the club members. Not only that, but your 4-H Agent should be kept in the loop on all fundraisers so he or she can approve it as well as be able to tell others what the funds are being used for. Most importantly, this helps youth learn about goal setting and planning to achieve those goals.
  • Accident and Injury Form- No matter how long we have been a volunteer, or how organized we are, there is always a chance that the unexpected will happen. When it does, we need to document it. Any time there is an accident or injury that occurs to a youth or volunteer during a 4-H event, we need to complete this report as soon as possible (after the injured person is cared for).

How to reduce risk and what to do when an accident does happen is the topic for next month’s Make a Difference Monday. On October 20th, at 7/6 central, Dr. Dale Pracht will be sharing how to create safe environments in our 4-H clubs. If you cannot make our live presentation, it will be archived along with this month’s presentation at

Tips for Busy 4-H Parents: Out of the Box Lunch Ideas

lunch boxMaybe your child is too picky to eat school lunches on a regular basis, maybe they have food allergies, or you just want them to eat a little healthier. It could be that your family does not qualify for free or reduced lunch, but you would rather not spend $400-$500/year on school lunches. Whatever your reason for sending a school lunch, keeping it fun, fresh, and delicious can be a challenge.

It’s all about the box- Allow your child to select a lunch box that they like, and preferably one that is insulated. You might also want to invest in plastic containers in a variety of sizes. A thermos is also handy for hot soups and pastas. When selecting bottles for beverages, make sure they are easy to clean and if you plan on packing milk to drink, an insulated bottle or a bottle with a built in ice pack is a must.

Many children are obsessed with pre-packaged lunchables, but not only are they expensive, they are not really filling for most children and often high in sodium. Making your own lunchables at home is easy. All you need are some dishwasher safe plastic containers with individual compartments (readily available at grocery and big box stores) and some creativity. Involving your child in planning and packing their lunch will encourage them to try new things and also teach them responsibility.

10 Home-made Lunchables to Try:

  1. Basic- assortment of whole wheat crackers, cheese, and deli meats
  2. Sandwich bar- whole wheat slider roll, cheese, deli meats, and condiments (try hummus or pesto for something different). Children LOVE to create their own sandwiches!
  3. Sandwich on a stick- skewer cubed cheese, meat, bread, cherry tomatoes, and pickles onto a coffee stirrer.
  4. DIY Pizza- ½ English muffin, sauce, cheese, and mini turkey pepperoni
  5. Chicken Parm Sandwich- whole wheat roll, chicken tender, mozzarella slice, and marinara
  6. Mac and cheese muffins- add ham and broccoli to your favorite mac and cheese recipe. Spoon into greased muffin tins and bake at 350 degrees for 12-15 minutes. These freeze well.
  7. Sushi sandwich- whole wheat tortilla, layered with pesto, hummus, or other favorite condiment, and cheese and deli meat or left over rotisserie chicken. Roll up and slice into sushi rolls.
  8. Snack tray- pack an assortment of fruit, nuts, cheese, veggies, and crackers.
  9. Rice cakes with individual packs of cream cheese, hummus, or nut butters.
  10. Pizza calzones- flatten a canned biscuit, and spread marinara and cheese. Fold in half, and use a fork to crimp the edges shut. Bake at 350 on a baking sheet covered with parchment paper for 12-15 minutes. Serve with additional marinara for dipping.

 More tips:

  • Place purchased or homemade fruit cups in the freezer the night before. By lunch time, your child will have a frozen fruit slushy.
  • Dip sliced apples in pineapple juice to prevent browning- pineapple juice will not leave a bitter or sour aftertaste.
  • Spread a very light layer of whipped cream cheese on bread before making a mayonnaise based salad sandwich (such as tuna or chicken salad). The whipped cream cheese will prevent the sandwich from becoming soggy- a great tip if you make lunches the night before.
  • Substitute low fat vanilla yogurt for pudding. Add fresh fruit and granola for a “dessert” parfait.
  • Use cookie cutters to cut fruit and veggies into fun shapes for dipping.
  • Buy yogurt, canned fruit, pudding, and applesauce in larger containers, and then portion them out in re-useable ½ plastic containers. This can save you about 50% on individual size snack items and also will help reduce waste.
  • Have a theme for each day of the week:

o   Monday- Sandwich day

o   Tuesday- Wrap day

o   Wednesday- Dip day (hummus and veggies, salsa, bean dip, fruit dip)

o   Thursday- Salad day (fruit, pasta, chicken, or veggie salad)

o   Friday- Thermos day (hot soup, mini pasta with marinara, mac and cheese)

Lunch Box Pantry Staples (buy extra when on sale to keep in your pantry or freezer):

Carbohydrates: whole wheat crackers, tortillas, slider rolls, loaf bread, bagel thins, rice cakes, pretzels, and pasta in fun shapes

Protein– nut butters, ham, turkey, chicken, boiled eggs

Dairy– yogurt, cottage cheese, deli cheeses such as mozzarella, cheddar, and Muenster

Fruit– fresh, dried, and canned fruit for fruit cups, parfaits, trail mix, and granola. Purchase canned fruit in light syrups if possible.

Veggies– keep a variety of your child’s favorite veggies on hand. Don’t be afraid to sneak in new ones every now and then for them to try such as a slice of avocado or roasted red bell pepper on a sandwich or wrap.

Condiments– stock up on condiments such as mayo, mustard, ketchup, marinara, hummus, pesto, and tapenade.

Sweets– it’s okay to sneak in some sweets every now and then. Animal and graham crackers, mini marshmallows, puddings, and homemade cookies are all good alternatives.

We hope that these ideas will help you live a healthier life this coming school (and 4-H) year. As your family prepares for back to school, don’t forget that the 4-H year will be coming to a close at the end of this month. Enrollment in Florida 4-H beings August 23rd. To re-enroll, visit: or contact your local UF/IFAS County Extension Office.


Tips for the Busy 4-H Parent: Setting up a Homework Center

Photo courtesy of Family Fun Magazine

Photo courtesy of Family Fun Magazine

These days, children as young as kindergarten age can have homework. Getting your child to do homework during the hectic evening hours is frustrating for many busy parents, but setting up a simple homework center can make it easier.

  1. Select a location for your child to do homework- an eating nook in the kitchen or at the dining room table are good ideas. Try to keep your homework center location clutter free, and well lit. If you have younger children, they may need a booster seat in order for them to sit at the proper height for writing. Remember that children (even teens) need supervision and assistance with homework, so planning a homework area in a common location is more convenient so that parents can also work on other tasks such as preparing dinner. If the homework center is set up in a bedroom or loft space, you will need to plan on checking in from time to time to monitor their progress. Younger children or children with learning disabilities will need additional, or more frequent help.
  2. Gather Supplies– it is helpful to have a plastic cleaning caddy, tub, or recycled shoe box filled with supplies that your child might need for completing his homework, so that you don’t waste time looking for supplies each day. Recommended supplies include: pencils/pencil sharpener or mechanical pencils, erasers, colored pencils/markers, crayons, stapler/extra staples, index cards, highlighters, scotch tape, glue stick, dictionary, thesaurus, atlas or globe. Have your child decorate the caddy or box with stickers, paint, glitter glue, or other decorations.
  3. Limit Distractions– it is best to limit television and stereo/iPod during homework time. If you have more than one child, or a child with ADD/ADHD, you might also want to consider a study carrel. Study carrels limit distractions and help children focus on their work. Your child can help create a study carrel and customize it to his own needs with a tri-fold display board (readily available for less than $5.00 at office supply and big box stores). One display board will make two study carrels. Step by step instructions for creating one can be found online at: courtesy of Family Fun Magazine.
  4. Set up a Reward System– reward your child for getting their homework completed in a timely and neat manner. You can set up a sticker system for earning small prizes, TV or video game time, or even to see an upcoming animated movie or for a family bowling night.

As your family prepares for back to school, don’t forget that the 4-H year will be coming to a close at the end of this month. Enrollment in Florida 4-H beings August 23rd. To re-enroll, visit: or contact your local UF/IFAS County Extension Office.

Next Week: School Lunch and Snack Ideas that are “Out of the Box”