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Understanding the 4-H Project

4-H Projects are about developing blue ribbon youth rather than blue ribbon projects.

4-H Projects are about developing blue ribbon youth rather than blue ribbon projects.

Make a Difference Monday, our online volunteer training series, kicked off this past Monday night!  This year’s series focuses on helping youth develop a sense of Mastery, one of the Essential Elements of a positive youth development.  Mastery is all about building knowledge and skills and being able to demonstrate those skills and knowledge effectively. Mastery is developed over time through intentional 4-H project work, events and activities.  The main goal of the 4-H Project is to help youth develop life skills, regardless of the subject matter content.  Some of the important components of a project include:

  • The use of quality educational materials to guide youth through a planned sequence of learning activities (4-H curriculum and project guides)
  • Project work is guided and validated by supportive, trained, caring adult project mentors or leaders (4-H project leaders and resource leaders)
  • Youth have opportunities to share what they have learned with others through club or county demonstrations, exhibits, shows, and other contests.  (Hint: tune in October 19th for an overview of 4-H events and activities and how they can support the project work of your club members)
  • Provide youth with opportunities to self-evaluate and gain a sense of accomplishment through project reports and the Florida 4-H awards and recognition model (Hint: tune in November 16th for an overview of our awards and recognition system and how project reports can help members with their portfolios for scholarships).

Here are some additional resources about 4-H projects, and how to use experiential learning to help develop life skills through 4-H project work:

In case you missed our live session, it was recorded and can be viewed online at  You can also check out our entire series schedule and find out how to connect from the comfort of your own home.  We hope to “see you” online in October as we work together to “Make the best better!”


New 4-H Youth Protection Policy in Place

Volunteer helping 4-H'er learn how to make jelly

4-H Volunteers strive to provide safe and secure learning environments.


From time to time new laws regarding youth protection are considered by federal and/or state lawmakers.  As these new laws and regulations are passed their effects are wide-felt, and often they reach into the 4-H program.  One such federal regulation on youth protection was recently passed, and while the new protection that it affords our youth is much welcomed, it does mean that 4-H volunteers will be seeing some changes in their county’s volunteer screening procedures.




What are the major changes?

  • All club leaders must be “435 Level 2” screened.  This means you will be fingerprinted.
  • All volunteers who work with youth 10 hours or more in a month, even if they are not club leaders, will be “435 Level 2 screened.  This means you will be fingerprinted.
  • All camp counselors will be “435 Level 2” screened.
  • All volunteers working directly with youth will be “Level 1” screened regardless of the number of hours spent with youth.  This means you will be background checked, but may not fingerprinted.

What can new and existing volunteers expect?

  • Existing volunteers may have completed some of these steps under our former system for volunteer screening.  They will be asked to complete the steps that are new.  New potential volunteers will need to complete each of the following steps in order before they should work directly with youth.
    • 435 Level 2 screening:
      • Register in 4HOnline (
      • Interview with your 4-H agent (Your 4-H agent will also obtain at least two letters of reference.)
      • Complete the online youth protection training (YCS800)
      • Return a notarized Affidavit of Good Moral Character to your 4-H agent
      • Schedule livescan finger printing (Your 4-H agent will help you with this.)
      • Be finger printed for 435 Level 2 screening
      • Receive a letter of appointment from your 4-H agent
    • Level 1 screening
      • Register in 4HOnline (
      • Interview with your 4-H agent (Your 4-H agent will also obtain at least two letters of reference.)
      • Complete the online youth protection training (YCS800)
      • Be background screened (Your 4-H agent will complete the screening.)
      • Receive a letter of appointment from your 4-H agent
  • The new policy also places an emphasis on accurate and timely record keeping, so your agent may require additional training on this subject.

This policy is new for agents and volunteers alike, so please be patient with your local extension office as they try to work as quickly and efficiently as possible to get all of their volunteer screenings up-to-date.

A copy of the new UF/IFAS Youth Protection Policy can be found at:*

*The official policy takes precedence over any discrepancies which may be found in this article.

It’s Here!

This is our final countdown post!  I’m sure many of you who have been long-time 4-H supporters have seen this video before, but it pumps me up every time I see it!  Enjoy!


Join us TONIGHT, Monday, August 19, 2013 at 6:00 PM Central for the first session of Make a Difference Mondays, where you can learn how to make positive differences in the lives of youth just like this!

Contact your local extension office for more information or go to:


The Countdown Continues!

Out of the mouths of babes:

  • “4-H brought me closer to my grandfather.” – 9th grade 4-H member
  • “I have developed a better work ethic and communications skills.” – 9th grade 4-H member
  • “4-H has taught me leadership and commitment that I can use for the rest of my life.” – 9th grade 4-H member
  • “4-H gave me the confidence to do more things.” – 7th grade 4-H member
  • “4-H has helped get my family together.” – 5th grade 4-H member
  • “4-H makes you think to help others and be kind.” – 5th grade 4-H member

And my personal favorite:

  • “I can cook so my mom won’t have to all the time.” – 5th grade 4-H member

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There you have it! Join us on Monday, August 19, 2013 at 6:00 PM Central for the first session of Make a Difference Mondays, where you can learn how to make positive differences in the lives of youth just like this!

Contact your local extension office for more information or go to:

The Countdown Continues!

You are making a difference:

  • Studies done with 4-H youth show adults in their 4-H clubs make them feel important (65%) and listen to them (64%). (Perkins & Butterfield, 1999).

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That’s all the difference in the world to child.


Join us on Monday, August 19, 2013 at 6:00 PM Central for the first session of Make a Difference Mondays, where you can learn how to make positive differences in the lives of youth just like this!

Contact your local extension office for more information or go to:

The Countdown Continues!

The out-of-school hours constitute the biggest single block of time in the life of a young adolescent (Council on Adolescent Development, 1992).

  • What are they doing with it?

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With the help of 4-H volunteers like you… anything they want!

Join us on Monday, August 19, 2013 at 6:00 PM Central for the first session of Make a Difference Mondays, where you can learn how to make positive differences in the lives of youth just like this!

Contact your local extension office for more information or go to: