Washington County – Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent

Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent I, II, III, or IV

University of Florida/IFAS Extension at Washington County

Chipley, Florida (Northwest Extension District)

Application deadline: April 15, 2013

Application Instructions:

Apply through the online UF application system at http://jobs.ufl.edu/postings/38308 .

Please complete an online application and attach your Resume or CV, as well as a cover letter that describes how your experience and qualifications have prepared you for this position.

Extension Professional Enhancement Awards!

Congratulations to our Faculty in the Northwest Extension District who were successful this year for the Extension Professional Enhancement Awards!

These Faculty will be recognized at EPAF, I want to encourage all of you to apply in the future.

  • Elaine CourtneyWells Fargo Extension Professional and Enhancement Awards
  • Marjorie Moore – Mary Harrison Extension professional and Enhancement Award
  • Heidi Copeland – Marshall and Mildred Watkins Professional Improvement Award
  • Ben Knowles – Alto Straughn 4-H Extension Professional and Enhancement Award
  • Julie Dillard – Alto Straughn 4-H Extension Professional and Enhancement Award
  • Allison Meghan – Johnson County Faculty Professional Development Award – (this is the first year for this award)
  • Shep Eubanks – UF/IFAS Extension Mentor of the Year Award – (this is the first year for this award)

Details for the awards can be found at: http://extadmin.ifas.ufl.edu/faculty_awards.shtml