Panhandle Ag e-News

UF/IFAS Extension
Benefits of Manure Fertilizers and Analysis

Benefits of Manure Fertilizers and Analysis

Manure from livestock has been used by farmers and gardeners since the beginning of farming, with evidence of the benefits of manure are documented dating back nearly 8,000 years.  Manure can help improve soil, but there are a couple common misconceptions about its...

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Livestock Owners are Encouraged to be on the Lookout for New World Screwworm in the Wake of Outbreaks in Central America

Livestock Owners are Encouraged to be on the Lookout for New World Screwworm in the Wake of Outbreaks in Central America

New World Screwworm (NWS), Cochliomyia hominivorax is a type of fly found throughout the world. When Screwworm fly larvae (maggots) burrow into the flesh of a living animal, they cause serious, often deadly damage to the animal. NWS can infest livestock, pets,...

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Friday Feature:  Jim Strickland inducted into the Florida Ag Hall of Fame

Friday Feature: Jim Strickland inducted into the Florida Ag Hall of Fame

This week's featured video was published by the Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) to share the story of Jim Strickland, who was inducted into the Florida Ag Hall of Fame, in February.  Jim's family has been cattle ranching in Florida...

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Soil Testing, a Key Component of Panhandle Pasture Management

Soil Testing, a Key Component of Panhandle Pasture Management

Effective soil fertility management is an essential practice for livestock producers in Florida's Panhandle who want to efficiently enhance forage production. Regular soil testing provides valuable insights into the amount of plant available nutrients in the soil...

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