headerThis fall don’t miss the opportunity to learn, while getting your hands dirty, how to grow Tomatoes! Gulf Coast Small Farms and Alternative Enterprises presents Fall Tomato School beginning September 2nd.  This workshop is intended to teach small farmers and other interested participants how to produce high quality tomatoes for fresh market.  Not only will participants learn from University of Florida/IFAS specialists on the topic but will also get the chance to try their new skills in a working tomato production high tunnel with hybrids varieties and heirloom varieties.  The following subjects will be discussed:

September 2 – Transplanting, Plasticulture and Drip irrigation, and Varieties

September 23 – Nutrition (fertigation and deficiency symptoms), Diseases and control, and spraying and calibration

October 7 – Staking and trellising, Pruning, IPM and insect scouting.

October 28 – Harvesting, Post-Harvest and storage, and marketing.


Heirloom Tomatoes from the 2014 high tunnel spring variety test.

Each class will be from 6:00pm to 7:30pm at the UF/IFAS West Florida Research and Education Center.  The cost is $20/class or $60 for the whole course that will be payable at the first session.


UF/IFAS West Florida Research and Education Center

4253 Experiment Road
Highway 182
Jay, Florida 32565

To register call UF/IFAS Extension Santa Rosa office: 850-623-3868

Any questions about the Fall Tomato School can be directed to Blake Thaxton: 850-623-3868 or bthaxton@ufl.edu