Pepper Spot  Credit : North Carolina State

Pepper Spot, Photo Credit: North Carolina State

As we head into the home stretch of  2014 peanut production, most farmers are working diligently to mange and control leaf spot and white mold in their peanuts. Many farmers are familiar with Early and Late leaf spot and the occasional chemical related spotting on the leaves of their peanuts.  Occasionally, however, we see Pepper Spot showing up in our peanut crop as well, and its appearance sometimes causes concern for growers who are not familiar with the disease.

Photo 2 - Pepper Spot in Peanuts  Credit: North Carolina State

Photo 2 – Pepper Spot in Peanuts, Photo Credit: North Carolina State

Pepper Spot (photo 2) is caused by Leptosphaerulina crassiasca, the same fungus that is responsible for Peanut Leaf Scorch.  It is not unusual to see Pepper Spot show up late in the growing season.  We had some leaf scorch in fields earlier this growing season.  The good news is that Pepper Spot is generally a weak pathogen and as long as a farmer is following a good leaf spot spray program, losses are usually negligible from this disease. (Photo 3)

Photo 3 - Pepper Spot Credit-: North Carolina State

Photo 3 – Pepper Spot, Photo Credit: North Carolina State

For more information on Pepper Spot and Leaf Scorch contact your UF/IFAS Extension office and see the following articles:

Pepper Spot and Leaf Scorch in Peanuts – North Carolina State

Seminole Crop News Article on Leaf Scorch


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