by Doug Mayo | Mar 31, 2017
UF/IFAS Beef Cattle & Forage Specialists, and County Extension Agents serving the Florida Panhandle developed a basic management calendar for cattle producers in the region. The purpose of this calendar is to provide reminders for management techniques with...
by Doug Mayo | Mar 31, 2017
For the past few weeks I have shared more serious videos, so I thought it might be good to lighten up the mood a little this week and feature a video of America’s funniest veterinarian, Baxter Black. Baxter has produced a number of humorous cowboy poetry...
by Ethan Carter | Mar 24, 2017
Ethan Carter, Crop IPM Regional Agent and Ann Blount, UF/IFAS Forage Breeder Crop aftershocks related to last week’s weather conditions (cold, overcast, and wet) were felt this week across in the Florida Panhandle. Growers reported a variety of symptoms in their oat...
by Jennifer Bearden | Mar 24, 2017
Spring is a good time to walk your pastures to scout for toxic weeds. Summer pastures are just greening up, but are still short, and warm season weeds are just beginning to pop up out of the ground. In almost every case, it is much easier to kill small weeds as young...