Fanny Iriarte, Josh Freeman, Rui Yan, and Matthews Paret, UF/IFAS North Flroida Research and Education Center

The following are a collection of hemp diseases and the associated symptoms for diagnosis, as well as management tips to reduce yield loss or plant death.

Bacterial Spot – Xanthomonas campestris pv. campestris

Hemp Bacterial Spot Symptoms


  • In early stages of disease removing infected plant material in lower canopy may help reduce infections.
  • Avoid wounding
  • Avoid overhead irrigation
  • Increase plant spacing to improve air circulation.
  • Currently there’s no chemicals labeled for Industrial hemp.

Bipolaris leaf spot Bipolaris spp.

Bipolaris Leaf Spot Symptoms

Reported before in Kentucky and New York. Detected in Quincy, FL 6-03-20


  • In early stages of disease development, remove infected plant material from field as soon as detected to reduce the amount of fungal inoculum in the field.
  • Control weeds, as they can serve as secondary hosts for pathogens and virus insect vectors.
  • Remove and/or destroy crop debris at the end of the growing season. This will help get rid or overwintering fungal inoculum.
  • Avoid or reduce overhead irrigation and improve aeration.

Damping off Rhizoctonia solani

Hemp Damping Off

Observed on greenhouse grown hemp seedlings. Damping off fungi invade stems of seedlings at the soil line shortly after they emerge.


  • In greenhouse, growing medium should be sterilized and all containers disinfested before reuse.
  • Avoid over-watering and improve drainage.

Fusarium flower blight – Fusarium spp. 

 Fusarium Flower Blight

Fusarium graminearum and F. equiseti have been isolated from Hemp flowers (Thiessen L. 2020).

Important note

  • Infection of female flowers buds and grain may result in contamination by Fusarium mycotoxin.
  • Cornell Hemp group have found contamination of hemp grain in excess of 7 ppm of deoxynivalenol (vomitoxin) during a survey in 2019 (Bergstrom 2019).

Fusarium WiltFusarium oxysporum f. sp. vasinfectum* 

Hemp Fusarium Wilt symptoms


  • In greenhouse, growing medium should be sterilized and all containers disinfested before reuse.
  • Avoid over-watering and improve drainage.


Fusarium crown/root rot – Fusarium solani*

Hemp Fusarium Crown or Root RotManagement

  • Avoid low areas and improve drainage.

Pythium lower stem, crown and root rot – Pythium myriotylum*

Hemp Pythium stem crown & root rot

Hemp Pythium stem & crown rotHemp Pythium stem & crown rot


  • In greenhouse, growing medium should be sterilized and all containers disinfested before reuse.
  • Avoid low and poorly drained areas.
  • Remove and discard infected plant material away from the site to avoid spread of the pathogen in the field.
  • Fungicide treatment studies are under way.

Southern blight – Athelia rolfsii (Sclerotium rolfsii)

Hemp Southern Blight


  • Avoid planting hemp in areas with history of Southern Blight.
  • Plant healthy transplants.
  • Remove and discard (away from the field) infected plant material as well as soil around it to avoid spread of the pathogen.
  • Increase plant spacing to improve air circulation.
  • After harvesting, deep plowing to bury pathogen sclerotia is recommended to reduce fungal inoculum in the soil profile.
  • Currently there are no chemicals labeled for Industrial hemp.

For more information see:  Southern Blight of Industrial Hemp (


References and Other Resources