UF/IFAS has been the primary provider for pesticide certification exam locations through the county extension network for many years. However, in 2025, due to technological updates to Windows, internet networks, and the computers UF/IFAS have been using for testing, there will be changes to the testing process in Florida.

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) will be taking over responsibilities for all in-person and remote online testing. They will be working with a selected contractor, Everblue. UF/IFAS remains committed to serving our stakeholders through our education, training, and support. We want to share this information so you can prepare for the changes ahead.

UF/IFAS Extension

Effective October 1, 2025, pesticide certification testing will no longer be available at UF/IFAS County Extension Offices. The sole provider of exams in Florida will be FDACS, through Everblue.

UF/IFAS will continue to support pesticide applicators through pre-certification training, recertification training, and all the other educational and support they have provided in the past. In fact, UF/IFAS will have greater capacity to provide research-based training and support related to pesticide use in the state of Florida.

UF/IFAS will continue to offer testing through September 30. Many County Extension Offices are offering an enhanced testing schedule leading up to the handover to FDACS/Everblue. Check with your local County Extension Office for additional testing opportunities or request additional opportunities if needed.

FDACS and Everblue Testing

Everblue exams are currently available for remote proctoring and can be taken at home or anywhere the examinee can create a secure test environment with access to internet. For guidance on remote proctored exams, review: How To Test From Home.  The cost of the remote exams is $32.

This summer, Everblue will facilitate in-person testing through a series of test centers around the state. The list of current locations can be found here: Map of Testing Locations.  The cost of in-person exams will be $59.

This summer, FDACS and Everblue will roll out a new portal for signing up to test. It will include 3 options:

  1. Test remotely
  2. Test at an Everblue in-person location
  3. Test with UF/IFAS, until October 1

Once UF/IFAS has access to this new sign-up portal, we will share the information with you.

After October 1, testing will ONLY be available via Everblue, either remote or in-person. UF/IFAS will exclusively be focused on educational outreach and the support that we provide.

For more information contact the UF/IFAS Pesticide Information Office:
352-392-4721 or pested@ifas.ufl.edu
Or your local County Extension Office.