Peanuts are a popular crop choice for 2012 in Washington County. Weather conditions will make the difference between success and failure.

Dry conditions are making ryegrass and cool season forages decline at a rapid pace. Each dry day furthers the certainty of this outcome.

Row crop field preparation has slowed.  However, hay harvest is actively progressing at this time under ideal haying weather.

Many Washington County landowners that heard about last year’s high peanut prices have decided to plant every available acre with hopes of a repeat.  Some producers are instead looking to cotton as a potentially more profitable alternative.  Their concern is a probable over-production of peanuts which will drive prices, and profits, down.

Weather conditions may have the final say. If there is a good crop year with an abundant harvest, cotton growers may come out ahead. If there is a continuation of the drought, that reduces yields, growing peanuts may be the best choice.