by Shep Eubanks | Oct 31, 2012
Now is the time to sample peanut and cotton fields for nematodes in preparation for next year’s crop, as nematode populations are at some of their highest populations during harvest time. Plenty of plant roots are still available for the nematodes to feed upon...
by Shep Eubanks | Jul 20, 2012
Recently a farmer called me to come look at a field of Georgia 06-G peanuts that he had planted. There were several areas in this 40 acre field similar to the one pictured above. The peanuts in these areas were severely stunted compared to healthy plants. Upon...
by Shep Eubanks | Jun 29, 2012
As smart phones and tablets increase in use among farmers they may want to take a look at some of the apps that are currently available for use on these devices. There are several that I currently use that are worth taking a look at if you are a farmer or land...
by Shep Eubanks | Jun 1, 2012
I recently visited a farm that was experiencing significant stand loss in an 80 acre field of Tifton 9 Bahiagrass. Upon closer examination the culprit was determined to be ground pearls, as seen in the photo at left. This was the first time that this Extension...
by Shep Eubanks | Jun 1, 2012
I have observed bermudagrass leafspot/rust in several commercial hayfields of Russell Bermudagrass in Holmes County over the last few weeks. Typically this is something that is observed later in the growing season during hot, humid weather. Even though Russell is...