May 2022 Weather Summary and Summer Outlook

May 2022 Weather Summary and Summer Outlook

Rainfall May is normally one of the driest months of the year, with an average of 3.5″ of rain in Marianna.  May 2022 was definitely not normal or uniform across the Florida Panhandle, with much of the rain coming in the final full week.  The map above to the...
Friday Feature: Sheep Drive Through the Streets of Madrid

Friday Feature: Sheep Drive Through the Streets of Madrid

Most Floridians dread the coming of summer vacation due to all of the added traffic on local roads as millions of tourists travel through Florida to beaches and other tourist attractions.  In Madrid, Spain, sheep and goats pour through city streets on their way to...
April 2022 Weather Summary and Summer Outlook

April 2022 Weather Summary and Summer Outlook

Rainfall With hot weather just around the corner, it is time to look back at the moisture and temperatures from the last month of Spring.  I know, technically May is part of Spring but not in Florida.  March brought much needed moisture to the Panhandle, after a dry...