August 2018 Weather Summary and September Outlook

August 2018 Weather Summary and September Outlook

Rainfall August rainfall was highly variable, but in general above average for much of the Panhandle.  Most of the region received 6″ to 10″ (red and dark red), but there were areas that received more than 10″ (hot pink or lavender). The Florida...
Cotton Marketing News:  Extraneous Matter—The Plastics Issue

Cotton Marketing News: Extraneous Matter—The Plastics Issue

Don Shurley, Professor Emeritus of Cotton Economics Contamination from plastics is a hot-button topic in the US cotton industry right now.  It should be.  It’s a serious problem.  Major culprits include plastic wrap from round modules, shopping bags from stores, and...
Friday Feature:  Defining GMOs in Food

Friday Feature: Defining GMOs in Food

This week’s featured video was published by Iowa State University to help explain what genetically modified organisms or GMOs are and why these crops are used.  This is a very controversial topic, with contrasting points of view trying to inform consumers about...