Cotton Marketing News:  Old and New Crop

Cotton Marketing News: Old and New Crop

Last week (May 10,2018) USDA released its monthly crop production and supply and demand estimates.  Each year, the May report contains the first projections for the upcoming new crop year.  Here is a summary of major points for both 2017 old crop, and 2018 new crop....
Friday Feature:  Satsumas from Farm to Schools

Friday Feature: Satsumas from Farm to Schools

This week’s featured video was produced by Chartwells School Dining Services to highlight their “Farm to School” program.  This video features the relationship that was established with Cherokee Farms, Marianna, Florida to supply every student in the...
Bahiagrass Pasture Fertilization – Is it Worth the Money?

Bahiagrass Pasture Fertilization – Is it Worth the Money?

One area of management that often comes up in discussions with producers managing smaller herds is pasture fertilization.  There are several aspects that can be confusing.  The first questions are, “Should I fertilize?”  and, “Is it worth the money?”  The next...
April 18 Weather Summary and Three Month Outlook

April 18 Weather Summary and Three Month Outlook

Rainfall April was another cool month, only slightly warmer than March, with below normal rainfall for much of the Panhandle.  Most of the region received 2-5″, with isolated areas over 5″. All six Florida Automated Weather Network (FAWN) stations in the...