Control Options for Thrips in Peanuts and Cotton

Control Options for Thrips in Peanuts and Cotton

Planting season is well under way, with some producers nearing completion of peanut, and cotton planting. Annually, thrips are problematic in early panted cotton and peanut. It will be important to keep an eye on thrips populations as seedlings emerge, and the weeks...
Field Report:  Sick Oats in the Panhandle

Field Report: Sick Oats in the Panhandle

Ethan Carter, Crop IPM Regional Agent and Ann Blount, UF/IFAS Forage Breeder Crop aftershocks related to last week’s weather conditions (cold, overcast, and wet) were felt this week across in the Florida Panhandle. Growers reported a variety of symptoms in their oat...