History of Snowfall in North Florida

History of Snowfall in North Florida

North Florida experienced a weather delight (or distress depending on your point of view!) this week in the form of freezing rain and snow!  The words “Florida” and “snow” are two words most people would not place together in the same sentence, but you may be...

Make the Most of Your Pond This Year!

During these icy, north Florida winters, you’re probably not thinking much about what needs to be done in your pond!  Aquatic plants have become mostly dormant, fish feeding has slowed down, and irrigation needs are usually reduced as well.  If you’ve had aquatic weed...
Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the US Extension Service

Celebrating the 100th Anniversary of the US Extension Service

Truly amazing things can happen in the span of 100 years.  In this day and age, however, where everything is expected to be “bigger-better-faster,” accomplishments over a 100 year time-span are often overlooked as only a “drop in the bucket” as they say.  Let’s slow...

Farm-City Partnerships: A Celebration of America’s Strengths

November is a time for honoring our Veterans, gathering our harvests, and recognizing the significance of agriculture in America.  In 1955 the National Farm–City Council established “Farm City” events to celebrate the importance of agriculture to the economies of...

Wildlife is on the Move in Florida’s Fall and Winter

Each of Florida’s seasons is characterized by a variety of amazing wildlife activities.  Below is a list of some notable native wildlife behaviors occurring in November and December around Florida.  This information and more can be found at the following University of...