Cover Crop Mixture Considerations for 2017

Cover Crop Mixture Considerations for 2017

  As dry as this Fall has been, planting cover crops has not been a priority or an option for many producers in the Florida Panhandle. One Escambia County grower planted an interesting cover crop mixture that has garnered a lot of attention locally this summer....
Persimmon Problems this Fall

Persimmon Problems this Fall

  Japanese persimmons are a real treat in the Fall, and for those who enjoy growing fruit, they are a relatively problem free option.  The tree can reach 30 feet tall, if planted in full sun and well drained soils that receive ample moisture.  The orange-yellow...
Planning Ahead for Dove Season

Planning Ahead for Dove Season

Planning Ahead for Dove Season Every Fall, sportsmen of all ages set their sights on the mourning dove (Zenaida macroura), one of the most widely hunted migratory birds in the United States.  Because it is migratory bird, management falls under federal and state...

Cotton Picker Fire Prevention Tips

College football season has started, the weather is milder, and pretty soon, we will all smell cotton defoliant when driving past cotton fields.  Throughout the Florida Panhandle, farmers are getting equipment ready for the harvest, and this is a good time to remind...