9/10/21 Peanut Update & aGDD Tracker

9/10/21 Peanut Update & aGDD Tracker

Mark Mauldin, Ag & Natural Resources Agent Washington County, Dr. Barry Tillman, Peanut Breeder UF/IFAS NFREC, Ethan Carter, Regional Row Crop IPM Agent, De Broughton, Regional Crops Agent, and Camila Ichazo –   The peanut crop continues to advance. In...
8/27/21 Peanut Update & aGDD Tracker

8/27/21 Peanut Update & aGDD Tracker

Mark Mauldin, Ag & Natural Resources Agent Washington County, Dr. Barry Tillman, Peanut Breeder UF/IFAS NFREC, Ethan Carter, Regional Row Crop IPM Agent, and Camila Ichazo   The days keep ticking by as we progress through this 2021 crop year. As you can see...
Marketing Considerations to Maximize Cow-Calf Revenue

Marketing Considerations to Maximize Cow-Calf Revenue

  Mark Mauldin, UF/IFAS Extension Washington County and Chris Prevatt, UF/IFAS Beef Cattle & Forage Economist   After six articles rambling about revenues, it’s time to wrap up this discussion. We’ve been through a variety of topics all with the intent...
Weaning Decisions to Maximize Cow/Calf Revenues

Weaning Decisions to Maximize Cow/Calf Revenues

I’m a week behind schedule getting to this sixth installment of Rambling on Revenues. I wish my excuse was “life happens and sometimes the article doesn’t get written on time”. Unfortunately, this time death, not life, happened. I was away from work last week to try...
8/13/21 Peanut Update & aGDD Tracker

8/13/21 Peanut Update & aGDD Tracker

Mark Mauldin, Ag & Natural Resources Agent Washington County, Dr. Barry Tillman, Peanut Breeder UF/IFAS NFREC, Ethan Carter, Regional Row Crop IPM Agent, and Camila Ichazo     Drying conditions throughout the Panhandle have allowed field work, primarily...