by Michael Donahoe | Jun 24, 2016
Cotton throughout the area is squaring heavily and most of our oldest cotton is probably a week away from first bloom. There are reports of some fields being treated for tarnished plant bugs feeding on pinhead squares. It’s important to scout fields carefully...
by Michael Donahoe | Jan 29, 2016
The Norway rat, roof rat, and house mouse are destructive rodent pests in and around farm facilities. This can be especially true during the winter months, as they seek food and refuge indoors. Rats and mice consume and contaminate feed, gnaw on structural,...
by Michael Donahoe | Aug 28, 2015
stinkbug damage – Ronald Smith, Auburn University, Bugwood.orgCotton is maturing rapidly across the Panhandle and it’s shaping up to be one of the earliest harvest seasons in recent years. This is due for the most part to the dry weather and the high number of...
by Michael Donahoe | Apr 17, 2015
We have had lots of rain across the region during the past week with over 6 inches recorded at the UF/IFAS West Florida REC, as of Thursday the 16th, with more predicted through Sunday. Cotton planting will get into high gear, as soon as fields dry out and conditions...
by Michael Donahoe | Oct 31, 2014
Cotton harvest is in full swing throughout Northwest Florida. With the dry weather and warm temperatures to help mature late set bolls, over half of the crop is now out of the field. In Santa Rosa County, picking was delayed on most farms as growers finished up...