Understanding Short-Day vs. Long-Day Onions

Understanding Short-Day vs. Long-Day Onions

If you know anything about planting bulbing onions (Allium cepa) in the south, you know it is highly recommended to plant short-day varieties during the fall planting season. But do you know why this is the case? – The Role of Day Length in Onion Growth Let’s...
Exploring the Ancient History of Florida’s Soils

Exploring the Ancient History of Florida’s Soils

  Exploring the Ancient History of Florida’s Soils Beneath the vibrant landscape of Florida lies a living canvas, a testimony to over 600 million years of geological evolution and ecological interactions. Soils, the very foundation of life, harbor secrets...
What are those Winding Paths in Crop Leaves?

What are those Winding Paths in Crop Leaves?

  Have you ever noticed what looks like little winding squiggly paths through the leaf surface of your vegetable crops? If so, then you likely had a visit from leafminers. The most common leafminer species we encounter in our Florida vegetable crops are vegetable...