by Matt Lollar | Feb 5, 2016
Thank you to all those who attended the Tri-State Cucurbit and Panhandle Satsuma Meetings held in Jackson County! We had a great turnout at both meetings, and we even had some folks from as far away as Statesboro, GA. Don’t fret if you were unable to attend...
by Matt Lollar | Oct 2, 2015
High temperatures and wet weather produce the perfect conditions for the onset of bacterial spot in tomato fields. The disease is caused by various species of Xanthomonas bacteria. Small spots (1/8 inch) form on leaves, stems, and fruit. The leaf spots are sometimes...
by Matt Lollar | Jun 12, 2015
Matt Lollar, Jackson County Horticulture Agent It’s the beginning of melon harvest season in the Panhandle, and rindworms pose a significant threat to fruit quality. Rindworms are an interesting bunch because they are made up of a number of caterpillar species that...
by Matt Lollar | May 15, 2015
Matt Lollar, Jackson County Horticulture Agent Diamondback moths were recently discovered in a greenhouse crop of arugula in Jackson County, and they may soon be moving to a field near you. Diamondback moths can be detrimental to cole crops. Adults are approximately...