by Nick Simmons | May 8, 2020
Many people are spending extra time at home these days, and are looking to work on their cooking skills and trying new products. Warmer weather usually means you start rolling out the grills and getting ready for delicious steaks or ribs for your family to enjoy....
by Nick Simmons | Feb 28, 2020
Horses have been used for farm work, as a form of recreation, and exhibition for many years. They come in many sizes, colors shapes and temperaments. One of the most common issues that can affect a horse’s overall performance can’t be seen from the outside....
by Nick Simmons | Nov 22, 2019
Here in the Southeastern United States we are fortunate to have adequate conditions to grow quality forages for livestock production. Adequate management can also allow for producers to grow a desired quantity of forages that can be used in various ways, such as...
by Nick Simmons | Oct 11, 2019
Check out Escambia County Extension’s newest video series called “In The Field.” These videos are aimed to educate producers in row crops, forages, livestock, and natural resources about practical management skills they can implement into their operation....
by Nick Simmons | Jun 17, 2019
We have reached the time of year when most our pastures have settled into adequate production enabling us to graze cattle on a more frequent basis. Recently, while discussing pasture/grazing conditions with producers, I’ve noticed three terms being used...