by Zane Grabau | Nov 11, 2022
Nematodes are one of the major challenges that peanut growers deal with. Peanut root-knot nematode is the main nematode pest for Florida peanut growers. Crop rotation, nematicide application, and use of resistant varieties are the main tools available for growers....
by Zane Grabau | Sep 9, 2022
Use of resistant cultivars is one of the main strategies available for managing plant-parasitic nematodes. In cotton and peanut, there have been new releases of resistant cultivars in recent years. Preliminary results and observations from ongoing UF/IFAS research to...
by Zane Grabau | Mar 25, 2022
Nematicide application is one of the main methods for managing plant-parasitic nematodes in Florida corn. Fluopyram is a relatively new nematicide chemistry available for corn and other row crops. Currently, multiple products containing fluopyram are labelled for use...
by Zane Grabau | Mar 11, 2022
Plant-parasitic nematodes can substantially reduce yield in field corn. Crop rotation and nematicide application are the main options for managing nematodes in corn. Among nematicides, historically a single product, Counter (active ingredient terbufos), has been the...
by Zane Grabau | Jan 14, 2022
Over the past few years, there have been intriguing new developments for nematode management in cotton. Reniform nematode and southern root-knot nematode are the major nematode pests of cotton in Florida and the Southeast. Nematode management typically relies on a...