by Zane Grabau | May 25, 2018
Authors: Zane Grabau, UF/IFAS Nemotologist, Ethan Carter, UF/IFAS Regional Crop IPM Agent, and Mark Mauldin, Washington County Extension Agent Plant-parasitic nematodes are a major pest for cotton and peanut in the Southeast. New or re-introduced non-fumigant...
by Zane Grabau | Jan 26, 2018
Zane Grabau, UF/IFAS Nematologist, and Ethan Carter, Regional Crop IPM Agent Nematicide application, along with crop rotation and use of resistant cultivars, is a key tool for nematode management. To that end, the number of nematicides/insecticides available to...
by Zane Grabau | Sep 29, 2017
I’ve had the opportunity to visit a number of grower fields this summer to assess potential nematode damage and I’ve often been asked this question: “Why is nematode damage worse in one section of a field than another, or worse in one field than another one...
by Zane Grabau | May 5, 2017
Plant-parasitic nematodes can drastically suppress cotton yield, often without noticeable above-ground symptoms. For this reason, nematode management is an important part of a successful operation. Nematicides, pesticides that target nematodes, can be a useful...
by Zane Grabau | Mar 31, 2017
One of my goals since starting as field crop nematologist at the University of Florida last June was to update the nematode management guides for Florida field crops, so that extension agents and growers have access to active copies of these documents. I’m happy to...