Beef Cattle Genetic Selection Terminology

Beef Cattle Genetic Selection Terminology

  Mark Z. Johnson, Oklahoma State University Extension Beef Cattle Breeding Specialist Over the past 30 years we have seen the number of Expected Progeny Differences (EPDs) reported by beef breeds expand several times over.  Over the past 20 years, $Values have...
Why Buyers Pay More for Castrated Calves?

Why Buyers Pay More for Castrated Calves?

Over average, castrated steer calves will bring $25 to $45/head more than bull calves at local livestock markets, the spread generally increases as calves get older/heavier – these calves will be significantly discounted when not castrated. Why will buyers pay...
Marketing Feeder Cattle at 6-Year Highs in 2022

Marketing Feeder Cattle at 6-Year Highs in 2022

  Chris Prevatt, UF/IFAS Livestock & Forage Economist, Range Cattle Research and Education Center Each year there are windows that allow producers to market feeder cattle near the high-end of the market. Cattle producers will likely be marketing cattle...
Friday Feature:  Herds West (1955 Beef Production)

Friday Feature: Herds West (1955 Beef Production)

This week’s featured video comes from the Charlie Dean Archives.  The video provides an overview of beef cattle production in the Western US in 1955.  Much of today’s modern beef production system was developed during this period that included cow-calf...