Friday Feature:  500 Years of Cattle in Florida

Friday Feature: 500 Years of Cattle in Florida

Florida has a rich agricultural history, but one of the historic facts that Florida cattlemen take great pride in is that cattle were introduced into what later became the United States through Florida in 1521.  Juan Ponce de Leon was a Spanish conquistador who first...
Increasing Cow/Calf Revenue with Reproductive Management

Increasing Cow/Calf Revenue with Reproductive Management

  Continuing our discussion on maximizing revenues generated by cow/calf operations, this article will focus on herd reproductive management. Previously we looked at 1) Can Cow/Calf Operations Increase Revenue to Help Offset Input Costs? and 2) Maximizing...
Maximizing Cow Herd Revenue through Sire Selection

Maximizing Cow Herd Revenue through Sire Selection

  Last week I posted an article detailing the rise of input costs over the last year, and offered a list of points for producers to consider with the goal of increasing revenues to help offset rising input costs. As I work through possible ways to increase...
Friday Feature:  Cow Cuddling Agritourism

Friday Feature: Cow Cuddling Agritourism

This week’s featured video was published by the British Broadcasting Company (BBC) to share a story on a crazy trend that started in the Netherlands called “Cow Cuddling” or “Cow Hugging” therapy. I have heard of people paying to swim...