Field Crop Nematode Management Publications Updated

Field Crop Nematode Management Publications Updated

One of my goals since starting as field crop nematologist at the University of Florida last June was to update the nematode management guides for Florida field crops, so that extension agents and growers have access to active copies of these documents.  I’m happy to...
Is it Cost-effective to Apply Nematicides to Field Corn?

Is it Cost-effective to Apply Nematicides to Field Corn?

Zane Grabau, UF/IFAS Entomology & Nematology Department & Patrick Troy, Regional Row Crop Agent Plant-parasitic nematodes, including sting, root-knot (RKN), and stubby-root nematodes among others can cause significant damage to Florida field corn.  Nematicide...

2016 Corn Variety Trial Summary from Jay, Florida

Santa Rosa County is not a major corn producer, as compared to the Midwest, but farmers there do grow 600-800 acres of field corn each year. These producers plant corn as a summer rotational crop, some for cattle feed, and a significant acreage is planted and sold to...