Corn Harvest is Winding Down in Jackson County

It is corn harvest time in Jackson County.  While many farmers and ranchers are enjoying the more frequent rainfall lately, it is making corn harvest more challenging.  Agents in Jackson County have performed yield checks on several varieties for local farmers that...
Debunking GMO Myths

Debunking GMO Myths

I have wanted to write an article on Genetically Modified Organisms for a while now, and have started one many times over the past few years. This is a complex and controversial topic, but it is my job, however, to pass along unbiased, scientific knowledge to the...

Crop Pest Patrol Hotline

Syngenta has sponsored a Pest Patrol Hotline for row crop producers.  Each week the Pest Patrol Hotline (toll free call) offers timely pest updates from leading university entomologists. Listen to recorded messages that provide reports on current threat levels, local...

Have You Decided Which Commodity Support Program to Elect?

John VanSickle, Rod Clouser, Marina Arouca, UF/IFAS Food and Resource Economics Department The 2014 Farm Bill introduced changes to farm commodity programs.  The safety net is now composed of two new programs, Price Loss Coverage (PLC) and Agricultural Risk Coverage...

Corn Harvest is Underway in Jackson County (video)

Combines began picking through corn last week, and this week the harvesting continues. Jackson County has a corn yield contest that several growers participate in.  Having a yield check allows for a friendly competition, but also provides a yield comparison between...